Recurring Guest Stars
Season 2 Guest Stars
The Black Sorcerer: Alan Collins III
Alan is a typical Rosicrucian, a refined, gentlemanly scholar with a thirst for mystical knowledge. Over the course of the summer between Seasons one and two, he began visiting the Hive Arcana for use of their library, and he and Anita became quite close.UPDATE (8/8/05): By Season three, Anita and Alan were well involved in a romantic relationship. Alan was forced to go underground to hide from a cult of the Old Ones within the Rosicrucians...or so he told the Cast. It was revealed later in the season that Alan was their chief adversary, the Black Sorcerer, an adept of Leviathan who had played them like puppets for months. Anita, broken by the revelation, has yet to recover, and it remains to be seen whether or not she can or will do so. Alan is portrayed by actor Stuart Townsend.
The Crawling Chaos: Nyarlathotep (Ebonor)
One of the Thousand Masks of Nyarlathotep, Ebonor was accidentally freed from the Hellmouth by the Cast at the end of Season 1 and has been both a great ally and a royal pain ever since. Until halfway through Season 3, the Cast thought that Ebonor was the Djinn, simply trying to get free. In Season 3, however, the Cast discovered that Ebonor was never the Djinn and that the Djinn is, in fact, the Mad God Leviathan. Ebonor shows up at the most inopportune moments to drop cryptic hints, and taunt the Cast. He always knows exactly which buttons to push, and doesn't react well to disrespect, as Anita has found out on more than one occasion. He's always cheerful, and has a wry and sarcastic sense of humor. Definitely suffers from the Cruelty Drawback. Ebonor is portrayed by actor Tony Shaloub.
The Renegade Archangel: Michele
The earthly guise of the Archangel Michael, Michele is in hiding from the Heavenly Host, who she feels have become too complacent and have lost touch with their entire purpose. She believes this is why the Creator has stopped talking to them. Well aware that there is no longer anything anyone can do to stop Leviathan from gaining a foothold on this reality, Michele has joined together with Drake's sire Amara Dolunay, the old god Odin and the spirit of Benjamin Franklin to mold the survivors of the Covenant Wars into a force that will stand against Leviathan and the Church of Revelations when the Reckoning comes. Michele is portrayed by actress Nicole Kidman.
The Ancient Vampyre: Amara Dolunay
Amara is a 2,000-year-old Moroi vampyre, and Drake's sire. She is also responsible for Katherine's original death, and has spent the last 500 years attempting to atone for those sins. She is an ally of Michele in the founding of the Alliance of Covenants, and in Season 3 offered to play host to Katherine's spirit when the walls between the physical world and the Threshold became dangerously thick. She and Drake have a relationship that is uncomfortable at best. On one hand, he can never forgive her for what she's done. On the other, she clearly is very much in love with him and has proven herself a trustworthy, powerful, and valuable ally. How this all plays out remains to be seen. Amara is portrayed by actress Marisa Tomei.
The Templar Agent: Max
One of two Templar agents who was responsible for the recruitment and training of John, Max and his partner Lisa have become fast friends with John in the past few months. Max has a similar combination of powers as John, and was responsible for much of his martial training, and teaching of the Keys of Solomon. Along with Lisa, Max provides a point of contact with the Templars and a source of supplies and information when John needs such. Max is portrayed by Keanu Reeves.
The Templar Agent: Lisa
Max's partner, Lisa has also become friends with John and was an integral part of his training as a Templar. Lisa's specialty is espionage and illusion; she is a master of disguise and a "face" when the Templars need such. When John needs papers or identification, Lisa is the one who acquires it. Max and Lisa have been paired together for quite some time, and while they always act as consummate professionals when together, there has been some indication that perhaps the two's relationship might be more than professional. Lisa is portrayed by singer Amy Lee.
The Demon Sorcerer: Silas
Silas is a demon sorcerer, but not of the "wants to destroy the world" variety. Silas likes the earth and is fond of humanity. He is also a powerful sorcerer specializing in protection and glamour spells (one of his favorites is to make himself appear human to walk among the masses) and a businessman. He's responsible for the non-violence spells that cover the Lava Lounge, a local demon hangout, and has been contacted by the Cast to cast similar spells over the Hive Arcana. He also saved John and Cyan's lives from the Oden Tal assassins sent after them by Brigit. Silas is portrayed by actor Carel Struycken.
Half-Demon Witch: Brigit Cleary
A 20-something Irish girl who is half Oden Tal demon, Brigit is a fanatical worshipper of Black Annis, an avatar of Shub-Niggurath that hails from the same Tainted dimension as the Mad God Leviathan. In episode 5, the Cast foiled Brigit's plans to bring forth Black Annis, and further foiled her backup plans to use her own body as the Old One's vessel. Brigit escaped through a portal and will no doubt be back to cause trouble in the future. Brigit is portrayed by actress Renee Olstead.
Matt Kasa as the Revenant: Mississippi Slim
(Slim has no cell phone as yet)Mississippi Slim was on the rise to be one of the most well known jazz musician of the 1940's. Unfortunately for the African American Slim, some white folks didn't like his presence in Gainesville and they really didn't like that he had caught the fancy of the most beautiful woman in town, Lilly Bell. Slim and Lily tried to keep their love secret, but on the night they were going to run away together local members of the KKK cornered Slim and he was never heard from again. Fortunately for Slim, the Powers that Be had other plans for him. Slim woke up in the cold hard ground and had to claw his way out. He thanked his lucky stars that he was still alive. When he caught his reflection in a car window, he saw that he was now in a white man's body. Slim took dark vengeance upon his murderers, and has spent his days ever since wandering, fighting evil and corruption where he could find it. Recently he discovered that Lilly Bell is in a nursing home in Pittsburgh. Slim has seen much, and knows what he is now; in his travels Slim has become quite knowledgable about the mysterious and the occult. Slim's current body is portrayed by actor Jude Law.
Wiccan Inheritress: Dana Green
A 25-year old Wiccan inheritress. She has used her money to amass an impressive occult library and has called upon the group for assistance in stopping the Ripper murders. Since they saved her life, Dana has grown up quite a bit, like several other guest stars on the show, opening a cafe, rock club, and new age store with Anita. Dana has largely turned away from the magics after her first bad experience, but can still throw a spell or two when need be. Dana is portrayed by actress Erica Leerhsen.
Hive Arcana Assistant Manager: Jamie Connor
While our cast was incognito for a year, Dana found it necessary to hire some help running the Hive Arcana. She hired Jamie to be an assistant manager. Jamie is a witch, and one of a group of demon hunters who kept the city safe while the Cast was globetrotting, battling TemCo. Upon the Cast's return, they kept Jamie on, which affords both Anita and Dana some time off. Jamie is friendly but somewhat introverted; she has a dark past that she doesn't like to talk about. But she is street smart and knowledgeable in matters of the occult. Jamie is portrayed by actress Monica Keena.
The Inspired Preacher: Father Bob Nichols
Father Bob is an ex-priest who left the Catholic Church after seeing a vampire murder one of his fellow clergy. When the Church refused to take action, Father Bob took it upon himself to take the fight to the creatures of the night. He doesn't like the neopagan elements around the Hive Arcana, but understands that everyone fights the darkness in their own way. He has become something of a spiritual mentor to Jamie and her crew, and distrusts Drake. Father Bob is portrayed by actor Elias Koteas.
The Rosucrucian Scholar: Daniel Morgan
Daniel began accompanying his friend Alan Collins (see below) to the Hive Arcana for coffee, and before long became a regular in his own right. Daniel is honest and direct, though he tends to be very serious. He exemplifies the typical Rosicrucian: refined, scholarly, and a gentleman, though he is something of a playboy who likes Armani suits and expensive cars. He believes wholeheartedly in the ideal of fighting the good fight. He and Jamie have recently begun a romantic relationship. Daniel is portrayed by actor Heath Ledger.
Friend of Kat: Sandra Stephens
A powerful Gifted who seems to get her powers straight from Heaven, Sandra is a sort of adopted daughter to Anita. She has been inducted into the Sentinels over the past year, and has grown up quite a bit. While still a "Goth," Sandra is nowhere near the angst-filled teen she was two years ago. Still, Sandra is deadpan and cynical, but very honest and loyal at the same time. Sandra is portrayed by actress Mia Kirshner.
Friend of Kat: Carrie Anderson
Another adopted daughter of sorts to Anita, Carrie like Sandra was friends with the Slayer Kat up until her death. Carrie also is possessed of abilities beyond normal humans; in her case, she has psychic powers. Over the past year, Carrie almost died due to her own insecurities and addiction to a powerful mystic drug named Pixie Dust. After her rescue by Drake, Carrie was adopted into the Cabal of Psyche and has also become more confident and grown-up. She is still quieter than the outspoken Sandra, but when she does speak, she is direct and to the point. She is honest and genuine, but shy and introverted. She has come out of the closet and is openly gay, now. Carrie is portrayed by actress Kirsten Dunst.
The Spirit Guide: Katherine Sullivan
A Slayer from the Middle Ages, Katherine was born an Irish peasant and fell deeply in love with Drake, at that time her lord. Drake returned the girl's passion and the two were slated to be wed, except that Drake became a vampire. Through a series of events, Katherine was transported two hundred years into the future, where Drake was partially responsible for her death. Now she is a ghost who acts as Drake's spiritual guide on his road to redemption. The two still share very strong feelings for one another, and are linked by more than their love, for if Drake fails, both of them will spend eternity in Hell. Katherine is portrayed by actress Marguerite Moreau.
The Homicide Detective: Detective Joe Knonaem
A tough-as-nails homicide detective who has seen Anita get in his way (and show him up) one too many times. A good cop, but he and Anita sometimes work against each other when they should work together... Detective Knonaem is portrayed by actor James Gandolfini