Down Time
Since Spring Break starts this week and (presumably) Sam and Rachael won't be available, we're going to pick up the Buffy game again on March 16 (2003).
Here's some background on things that have happened during down time.
The Cast has all been contacted by Dana Green, who intends to put her arcane knowledge and resources to better use than a private library. She has decided to open up a New Age bookstore and "curio" shop, and needs employees. As wealthy as she is, she has no worry about losing money; this is an expensive hobby for her and she feels that she can do some good in the process. Thus, she's offered the lot of them jobs (except Drake, who is still something of an outsider to the group; presumably Cyan would refuse as she easily makes as much money dancing) that pay pretty well (in the area of 30 grand a year). She has pulled strings and used tax loopholes to write off the majority of your salaries, so long as certain charities recieve regular donations (she is extremely capable at managing her inheritance, and it's all 100% legal).
There is direct sewer access to the Oakland tunnel system underneath the shop.
- Kat has been offered a job as a clerk (making her quite possibly the wealthiest 17 year old in Pittsburgh with her own income)
- Walter and Jon have been offered jobs as security and maintenance (she rightly presumes that her valuable ancient texts will need protecting)
- Anita has been offered a minority partnership in the store (really, not much more than a glorified management position) as well as an office from which to run her P.I. agency.
- Cyan (if she so chooses to accept) is also offered a job as a clerk and in a P.R. capacity (let's face it; she has the looks).
The shop will be opened in the old King's Court Theater building on Forbes Avenue, in Oakland, and will be called The Hive Arcana, after the former business, the Beehive Coffee House. Dana has made a lucrative offer to Oakland Realty and purchased the building outright, which will cut down on her overhead a great deal. The downstairs portion of the store will be a cafe (she will knock out the wall at the back and expand the cafe portion slightly into where the movie theater was, then have a new wall constructed to separate the back room, which during the day and after hours will be a private room for the group of you to meet, lounge, plot, etc. and in the evenings will be used to host live musical acts.) The upstairs will be the bookstore, shop, and a plush reading area.
Hive Arcana, Ground Floor
Hive Arcana, Upper Floor
Hive Arcana, Basement