Episode 10: The Once and Future HST
Brief Synopsis
The Djinn, now positively identified as Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos, makes a big push to escape the Hellmouth by recruiting an army of demons and vampires, all fanatically devoted to it, and devouring their souls. Thanks to the timely intervention of the heroes, the push fails and the Mad God is barely able to conjure a phantom projection of itself. Unfortunately, its power grows...
Note: This Episode was run as a "flashback" upon Rachael's visit to Pittsburgh on 8/17/03. It has been slotted in at its appropriate spot and could be thought of very much in the same way as the out-of-sequence episode from Season 3 of the television series.
Quotes of the Week
Anita: Okay, first you patrol, then we go to Wal-Mart for shopping.
Kat: Dammit! I knew there was a catch!(Anita is trying to give Kat training advice)
Kat: What was that? I'm sorry, I wasn't listening.Anita: Fine. Let's patrol, then go to Wal-Mart and Krispy Kreme.
Cyan: Shiskademon! Demon on a Stick!
Director: They all are wearing a symbol on their jackets. A symbol that's getting very familiar to you by now, and very unwelcome.
Drake's Player: The symbol of Prince?Kat (surveying Anita, battered, bruised, and with cracked ribs): Um...do you still want to go to Wal-Mart?
Anita: YES, I DO!!!Drake: Walter is a cultist, you know.
(Drake's phone rings)
Walter (sick, on phone): I'm not a cultist! (hangs up)Drake (on phone with Anita): When we meet, please bring blood and Thorazine.
Anita: Um, what was that about Thorazine earlier?
Drake: Oh, nothing. There's knocking in my head again.Kat: Oh, Lord have Percy!
John: Oh, no. Here they go on the Percy thing again. They just won't let that die gracefully.
Kat: Gracefully like a SWAN dive?Anita: Grounded!
Drake: You can't ground me.
Anita (fingering her Orb of Thessulah): Wanna bet?
Notable Moments
John decides to educate Drake on some decades the vampire missed. So they spend the evening watching Full Metal Jacket, Platoon, Flight of the Enola Gay, and Apocalypse Now, while discussing the advancement of warfare.
Anita duct tapes her ribs after a severe beating, so she can go shopping with Kat and Cyan.
Cyan buys Drake a talking Cookie Jar on the HSN. Drake has it delivered to Anita's house, and leaves a note for Anita: "There will be a package arriving. I ordered it. Don't open it."
Walter calls Drake at random moments, just to mutter, "I'm not a cultist."
Drake takes Kat drinking. They start on the Percy Swan thing again.
Anita threatens Drake with an Orb of Thessulah.
Drake and Kat visit the local Barnes and Noble looking for books on how to kill dragons. They return to the Hive Arcana with the Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and Monster Manual tucked under Kat's arm. Anita and John proceed to explain that the stats in those books aren't going to help them at all.
Drake attempts to infiltrate the demon army and winds up in a staff-fighting test. During his trial, one of the players puts in a CD for background music: "I'm In Over My Head."
John attempts to snipe and kill a dragon in one shot. When his endeavor angers the dragon...he runs and hides in an abandoned building while the rest of the party faces an army of now-enraged demons and vampires.
John, Drake, and Kat kill the dragon after staking its rider, the leader of the demon gang, and thus foiling the plans of the Djinn.
The Djinn informs Drake that the group has become something of a headache and he will enjoy watching them die. He later promises the group that they'll meet face-to-face very soon.
Drake systematically destroys the Treasures of Demonkind.