Episode 11: The Chosen Two
Season 1 Finale
Brief Synopsis
In the season finale, Walter, in a flu-induced fit of delirium, is tricked into wishing for Slayer powers in a dream. The Djinn grants his wish, at the cost of Kat's own life force. The group is faced with the certainty of losing at least one of their own while they battle to keep the Hellmouth from exploding the barriers between Earth and the Hell Dimensions.
Quotes of the Week
(Conversation between John and Drake as Walter walks into the Arcana)
John: He's not a cultist.
Drake: He's a cultist. Look, cultists are obsessed with opening the Hellmouth. Walter is obsessed with killing demons. There's no difference. He's a cultist.
John: Drake, Walter is not a cultist.
Walter (walking up to the table): Thank you, John.(Walter walks up to Kat in the book store)
Walter: Kat, you feeling okay?
Kat: Uh, yeah, just dandy.
Walter: What about your super powers? Still got your strength and everything?
Kat: Yes...
Walter: Okay. Is Anita here?
Kat: in her office.
(Walter hurries to Anita's office)
Kat: Whack Job.Walter (to Anita): See there was this dream, and Kat was in trouble and I might have, sort of, just a little.........wished to be a Slayer.
Walter (to Anita): By the way, can I beat up Drake? I've been waiting to do that for a long time and, well, I think I finally can, now.
Anita: No.Walter: Well, I suppose the Djinn picked a good time to give me super powers. Now where can I find a nice cape?
(Metagame conversation) Director: Walter wished he could take gym class. Walter wished he could eat his Wheaties.
Drake: Apparently, walter did, and now I'm moving to Peoria.John: I don't want to look through dusty old tomes.
Anita: What a strange man!Walter: I'm not a Slayer! I'm not a Slayer!
Anita: Doesn't mean you can't be sacrificed.
(Walter gets quiet, real fast.)Walter: Let's go save the world!
Anita: Okay, don't go spurting early!
John: Wow, premature heroics.
Walter: (opens mouth to speak)
John: Shut up...just...shut...up.Walter: I think I was clever!
Drake: Walter? Clever?Drake: He's a cultist
John: Shut up, Drake!
Kat: Oooh, oooh, can I say it, too? Please? ...cultist!Drake: This isn't something you see every day. You can't go through McDonald's and order a Mad God.
Walter: But if you could, how cool would that be? "I'll have a McCthulhu with cheese!"Kat: Okay, nobody say anything witty.
Drake: Can you not say that again, please?
Anita: Okay, fine...the man that was nailed to a board who...
Cyan: You mean Jesus?
(Drake winces)
Cyan: Jesus?
Cyan: Jesus?
Anita: Stop it, Cyan.
Kat: Actually, it's kind of fun. (sings) Jesus! Jesus!
(Drake twitches)
Drake: Okay, I'm leaving.(Kat and Anita are patrolling)
Kat: Nice night, tonight...
Anita (not paying attention): Hmm? I'm sorry, what?
Kat: Never mind. The moment is gone.(Drake and John are patrolling a cemetary. It's dead quiet, and suddenly John's cell phone rings. They both jump)
Drake: You know, if I wasn't already dead, that would've given me a bloody heart attack!Drake: And somehow, I really think...
Group (all but Walter): This is all Walter's fault!!!John (on phone with Anita): Oh, you only fought three? Drake and I had eight, and we got our friggin' asses kicked!
Anita: Um, Kat is losing her powers.
John: Frigging Walter!Anita (on phone with John): I don't know what to do about Kat except put her to sleep.
(Kat looks horrified and curls up in a corner)
Anita: Um...I mean, let her go to bed...Anita: I am not like some other psychotic murderers I hang out with.
John: I'm not a psychotic.
Walter: I'm not a murderer.Drake: All there is to me is killing, drinking, and the occasional pizza.
False Watcher: Not yet, Walter. I'm your Watcher.
Walter: Are you on crack?(John gets Kat drunk when Anita isn't looking)
John: Um, I think it's bed time for you.
Kat: Do you want to put me to bed, John?(Drake storms in; Kat is upstairs, drunk and singing)
Drake (grabbing Anita): Make the voices stop!
Kat (calls down): Drake's here! I love you, Drake! (continues singing)Kat (Upstairs, calls down): Walter? Is that you? I missed you! (throws up loudly)
Walter: My God, is that my fault, too?John (to a stammering Drake): Words...strung into sentences...
Walter: Hey, guys? Seriously, next time you get on me for being crazy, don't!
Anita: This is my house, and that is my Slayer!
Walter (to Anita): By the way, speaking of dreams...when you're done with Drake, we need to talk.
(Anita is planning a seance) John: Anything I can do to help?
Anita: Yeah, you can hold my hand and let me suck some of that sweet Essence off of you.
John: Okay, I need a moment, now. (Heads for the bathroom)
Walter: Anita moment in the bathroom!
(say it out loud; you'll get it)Vampire (terrified of the Djinn): Oh, just kill me, now.
Walter: Ok. (dusts vamp)Kat: I had this wierd dream. And you, and you, and you were there!
John: Was I the scarecrow or the tin man?
Kat: Yes, John, and I'll miss you most of all.
Anita: It wasn't a dream.
Kat: Of course not, because then it wouldn't be my life. Who's Katherine, then?
Anita: A Vampire Slayer
Kat: Ok.(John calls the Initiative Cover op, a flower shop. He spills the entire apocalypse scenario, hoping for the cavarly to show up.)
Shop Clerk: Okay, so you'll need one Anniversary Bouquet?
John: Try twelve.(Drake, out of cigarettes, steals John's cigars)
John: Bastard, that's the first really evil thing he's done to me!Walter: Aw, man, now I'm hearing voices, too!
John: Should I be Jealous?
Walter and Drake: No!Anita (to Walter): Ok, Captain Howdy. Let's go.
Anita (to Walter): Tell the Djinn I said, 'screw him.'
(Dream sequence)
Katherine (dying, touches Drake's face): Don't forget me again...
Drake: Not this time. Never.
Katherine: You've reached the crossroads, Drake. Will you be the man or the monster?
Drake (Pauses, struggling with the decision. Finally): The man. I want to be the man.
Katherine: Then waken. Your friends need you.
(Drake awakens, coursing with newfound power and purpose)Kat (Final words to Anita): Thank you. (Jumps into the Hellmouth)
(Nyarlathotep in the guise of the Black Man steps out from behind the group after the battle and reduces the Sisters of Jhe to puddles of ooze)
Nyarlathotep (the Djinn): Well, that was fun! I'd like to thank you all for an entertaining year, and I'm sure we'll be meeting again...
(John shoots him.)
Nyarlathotep: Feel better?
John: A little.
Nyarlathotep: Good. Don't do it again. I'm sorry for your losses, but...well, no really I'm not sorry at all. But look at the bright side. You saved the world, stopped the Hellmouth from tearing open.
(John shoots him again)
Nyarlathotep: That'll be about enough of that.
(John's .440 Desert Eagle melts in his hand)
Nyarlathotep: Be seeing you! (turns and walks off, then vanishes)
John: Okay, now I'm upset. He melted Jessica!Notable Moments
Walter, while in a flu-induced delirium, has a dream in which Kat is in trouble. He asks for the power to help her, and wakes up...changed.
Walter gets filled in about the prophecy regarding the blood of a hero and the soul of a Slayer, freely sacrificed, to close the Hellmouth
Drake and John get startled by the ringing of John's cell phone in the cemetary.
Kat gets rip roaring drunk off of a single shot of Jack Daniels John puts in her cocoa.
Kat loses her powers and has to deal with being effectively a White Hat
Walter asks John to kill him in order to restore Kat's power.
Drake has a nightmare in which he relives the moment he was sired. He realizes that the woman in his dreams is a Slayer whom he courted before he became a vampire. She vanished the very moment he was sired. In a frenzy, he wakes up, screaming her name (Katherine). Realizing somewhere in his mind that there is a "Kat" upstairs (and not coherent enough to discern between Katherine and Katrina), he tears through Anita's house in a desperate attempt to get to her. John and Walter try and restrain him. The group finally gets him calmed down, and he collapses, in tears, babbling about all the people he killed and why it hurts so much.
Anita goes downstairs. John falls in behind her so he can check out her rear as she walks.
The group holds a seance to call upon Katherine. She tells them that the Powers that Be have sent her to guide Drake to the group, and that Drake is approaching a crossroads where he will have to choose between the man and the monster. The choice he makes will be her own salvation or damnation.
On the battlefield, just as things look desperate, Drake gets knocked unconscious. He has another dream...it's 100 years later, and his beloved Slayer has been transported into the future. Somehow, in the dream, though he's still a vampire, he never lost his soul. He and Katherine are trying to fight their way to each other through a horde of vampires spawned by Drake in a desperate attempt to create another creature like himself. Katherine gets her throat slashed, and Drake catches her up and retreats to a church. He is unable to staunch the bloodflow. It's then that Katherine offers him the choice: man or monster. Drake chooses "man," and reawakens as a Moroi, a Living Vampire. He rejoins the fight, allowing John to make his way to the others.
Walter makes his way to the wide-open Hellmouth. He looks with disgust at the demonic creatures pouring out of it, and then turns to the Vampire who performed the opening ritual. With a sneer, he slashes his own stomach open and falls into the Hellmouth. Three rounds later, Kat says a final good bye to Anita, and jumps in, closing and sealing the Pittsburgh Hellmouth. Unfortunately, though the group managed to save the world, they failed to stop Nyarlathotep from escaping. They have a final facedown where the Old One thanks them for an entertaining year and promises they'll meet again. Then he walks off into nothingness.
The group finds Walter's body, but Kat's is nowhere to be found. John arranges to have Walter cremated and makes funeral arrangements for the two lost heroes. Drake leaves down to process what's happened to him, leaving a note for John that simply reads, "Walter was right." Kat leaves a touching letter for Anita, and Walter leaves a somewhat less touching letter for the gang. Anita holes up in her house for a few weeks to grieve, coming out only for Kat and Walter's funerals.