The Nocturnum
Episode 10: Thor's Anvil
Original Air Date: 2/8/04
Brief Synopsis
The Cast awakens in a makeshift cell aboard a ship they learn is bound for an oil rig named Torshammer (Thor's Anvil) off the coast of Scandinavia, where they will be held captive to some unkown end.After a brief skirmish with the crew of the ship, the Cast finds themselves marooned on the oil rig, where it seems that all but 17 of the crew have been murdered (actually, torn limb from limb is more like it), and all their means of communication and escape have been cut off. As the Cast explores the rig in an effort to discover what happened, they discover the TemCo plot involves kidnapping of Gifted, who are stored in stasis at this rig, and that they themselves have been scheduled for interrogation and termination by a TemCo killer. Worse, TemCo has kidnapped the wrong person in one of those stasis tubes, and the Mad God Dagon is not happy about it at all...
Thousands of Deep Ones and the god himself assault the station, devastated by a detonated briefcase bomb apparently planted by an eco-terrorist group, and the Cast find themselves once more in dire straits, as they awaken in a helicopter en route to hospital, apparently resuced from the frigid waters by the Denmark military.
Great Quotes:
Cyan (seeing Drake looking green and rotted): Wow. It ain't easy, being green.
Cyan: Well, what do we do? [about being trapped in the cell]
John: Well, we could make a lot of noise and piss off our captors.
Walter: Okay. (starts kicking the door and yelling)
John (Stares blankly at Walter for a moment): Walter, if we get out of this alive, I'm going to buy you a dictionary...with the word "sarcasm" highlighted!
Drake: And "subtle." Don't forget "subtle."Frank (Surprised to see prisoners): Who are you people? What are you doing here?
Anita: It would be kind of stupid for us to tell you who we are without knowing who you are.
Walter: Hi! I'm Walter.(off the statement that most people don't believe in the supernatural)
Walter: Oh, most people who kidnap us believe in the supernatural!
Drake: Walter, most people who kidnap us are the supernatural.(On seeing Drake shapeshift into a raven for the first time)
John: I thought that was you behind the diner!Walter: Uh, guys? Are we all in agreement that Drake was less creepy when he was evil?
John: What makes you think he's not evil anymore?Walter (re: insane survivor): Well, John, if worse comes to worse...bait.
John: And you have the nerve to call Drake evil.Drake (seeing people in stasis tubes): Oh! Microwave dinners!
Walter: So, guys...remember when I was the weird one?
Walter: Okay! Three down, only a thousand or so to go. We can win this!
Cyan (to John, looking at her engagement ring): You could've picked a better time. Anita, if we survive this, will you be my maid of honor? (passes out from the cold water).
Great moments:
Drake turns into a raven in front of everyoneJohn spins and shoots the captain of the ship in the head with a pistol he had concealed away. He is in turn shot in the head by a thug behind the captain. Fortunately for John, it's a glancing blow (great things, those Drama Points)
The Cast decides to take on the entire crew of the Revelation (the ship they were captured in). Each of them is charged a Plot Twist Drama Point; they wake up with 5 Life Points on the deck of the Torshammer Oil Rig, amongst a scene of utter carnage.
Drake and Walter get repeatedly slapped in the head by various members of the Cast, for various reasons.
Walter tries to attack Dagon, who promptly ignores him.
As the oil rig collapses under the strain of the assault by Dagon and his Deep Ones, and the exploded briefcase bomb, Drake hits the water and goes dead, so the others can use him as a floatation device.
Just before being overcome by the combination of the cold water, and the severe beating from the massive Deep One assault on the now destroyed oil rig, John slips an engagement ring on Cyan's finger.