The Nocturnum
Episode 11: The Copenhagen Connection
Original Air Date: 2/22/04
Brief Synopsis
Following the ordeal at the Torshammer oil rig, the Cast awakens in a Copenhagen hospital. A mysterious new ally appears to give them information and to their horror, they discover that word of the comet has gone public, sending much of the world into a panic-induced riot. Half the city of Copenhagen is in flames as people run rampant through the streets, burning and looting.Worse, the TemCo assassin Gerard Moore is in town with three demonic monsters, and he's out for the Cast's blood. Unarmed, frightened, and desperate, and joined by a new acquaintence--an amnesiac half-demon formerly imprisoned on Torshammer, the Cast races through Copenhagen, seeking a contact of Timothy Ekloff's, and a mysterious book that can fill in the gaps and enable them to stop the comet, which they now know is being drawn towards earth by a strange machine called the Tyrr Nemaii.
In the midst of the chaos, Roland Delmont appears to question the Cast. He then leaves a supernatural fiend to murder them, considering them of no further use. The Cast survives to find their allegiances once again called into question, and to discover that they are perhaps more alone than ever.
Great Quotes:
Anita (points to Jack): Who's that guy?
Jack: I don't know!(Orderly screams at John in Danish)
John: Well, farfegnugen to you, too!Drake (seeing Denmark in flames): Ah, brings back memories.
Delmont: Well, I'd like to know what happened to Sheperd.
Drake: Which one? One of them was shot in the restaurant. The other one was in pieces in a box in his van!
John: Oh, so that's what was in there. Okay, Drake, you can shut up now.John: We need weapons. Let's go plunder a museum!
(Drake throws a book at him)
John (cont): Hey! You threw a book at me, you bastard!Anita: Now, Drake. It's not nice to hit someone in the head with a book who's trying to get us guns.
Anita: Drake! Put your undead member back in your pants!
(Drake ties the unconscious Walter up)
Anita: That won't be necessary. He's not waking up for awhile.
Drake: I know. I just like having him tied up.
John: I don't want to know about your kinky habits.
Anita: Shut up! Just shut up!(Regarding the mysterious stranger at the library)
Director: John and Cyan, the room is suddenly filled with white fire. Strangely, it doesn't burn you, but the monster shrieks in agony.
Anita's player (OOC): He's an angel! He has to be! Does he have a flaming sword?
Director:...Not yet.
Anita's player (OOC): I knew it! I knew it!Anita (indicating robed vandals): Why don't we just kill them?
(Drake drops Walter. He and John start walking towards the vandals)
Anita: Wait! Drake? John? I was joking!
John (aside, to Drake): Just break their kneecapsRobed Vandal Leader (to followers): Destroy it all! You're doing the Lord's work! They are sinners and must pay! Burn it down!
Drake (spreads his arms): God sent me. He says you must all go home, now, and do macrome.
(John and Drake smash the cultist's kneecaps. Drake feeds from all of them, but lets them all live. They return to a horrified Anita)
John: They'll live. Now let's go to the museum and get weapons.
Anita (meekly): Okay...Drake (indicating Jack): We could dress him up like a pirate.
Cyan: Why not? We've already got a viking and a nazi!John's Player: Okay, I've got a chanmail shirt, a shield, a viking helmet, a sword, a mace, and an axe. Now to find a boom box and a Wagner CD.
Director: No. Every boom box in Copenhagen is smashed, as is every CD with "Ride of the Valkyries" on it.(At a clothing store)
Cyan: Hey...did anyone bring Walter?
Everyone: Oops!
Anita: Drake! Go get Walter.
Drake: But I don't wanna!Mad gunman (Between shots): I've given you everything! A job, a life, good benefits, and this is how you repay me? By abandoning your posts? You're all fired!
John (from behind cover): I don't work for you, dickhead! I'm just here to buy a book!
Great moments:
Drake catches up with the Cast, wearing a toga and carrying a keg of beer. He's on his way to an "end of the world" party.Drake puts his life on the line (yet again) to allow the Cast to escape three very brutal and deadly demons, led by the TemCo assassin, Gerard Moore. John's Player spends a brilliant Plot Twist Drama Point to ensure that one of the assassins' guns jams before he can empty it at point blank range into Drake.
The Cast discovers that Moore and their mysterious benefactor from the hospital both share the same strange mark on their hands. Drake is able to smell that neither are human.
Jack finds an Arabic copy of Al Azif amongst the restricted books at the Copenhagen National University Library. He tucks it away before anyone else sees it.
At the library, Delmont calls forth a demonic, tentacled horror to destroy the Cast, whom he considers of no further use. Walter, possessed by Nyarlathotep, attacks Drake. John knocks Walter unconscious with a chair. Walter goes comatose as his newfound powers completely vanish. Anita runs a gauntlet through the monstrosity's tentacles to get out of the room, and once out finds herself face to face with a mysterious and gorgeous man with shoulder-length black hair, black eyes, a tan trenchcoat, leather pants, and a white blouse. The man advises the Cast to "Get the hell out of here," then proceeds to immolate the demon with white fire.
While looting a museum for weapons, John decks himself out in a chainmail shirt, shield, and Viking helmet. Drake steals a leather SS trenchcoat from a World War II exhibit. Anita and Cyan loot the gemstones displays. Drake terrifies a hapless security guard, from whom he takes a gun, then sends on his way.