The Nocturnum
Episode 12: The Weaving of Three
Original Air Date: 2/29/04
Brief Synopsis
The Cast makes their way to the small village of Sortsoe in search of the Nyhuus manuscript, which they hope will give them insight into the workings and location of the mysterious Tyrr Nemaii, the machine that is supposedly drawing the comet towards Earth. As always, they get more than they bargain for when they find themselves smack dab in the middle of a modern-day Ragnarok.
Great Quotes:
Anita: Hey, you should write a book..."You Know Something About Jack."
Director: You see a flock of geeks pass by...no, you see a flock of geese pass by. Oh, what the hell. There are geeks and geese.
John's player: Okay, I break into the general store.
Director: Yeah, because it's always a good idea to loot a town upon entering.
John's player: What the hell, they're going to be dead soon anyway.Cyan (after Anita snaps at John): Wow, maybe she's the pregnant one.
Anita: No, you have to be having sex for that to happen.
Cyan: Hey, I don't know where you and Drake have been.
Drake: Hey!!!Jack: So Drake's the Kindler, Gentler version of evil.
Drake: I slaughtered half of Europe, I am neither Kind nor Gentle!Anita: We're in a village where the dead don't move on.
Cyan: Of course we are, Drake's been here.Anita: Come on, why would there be a copy of the Necronomicon sitting in a Danish library?
John (sarcastic): Yeah, because we all know the Danish can't be evil.Drake: The Nazi trench coat is to make me look normal in this century.
General Store Clerk: Odd people live here.
Drake: Yes, very odd people.(Anita displays a shotgun in plain sight of 3 old ladies. They panic)
Cyan: And you yell at the guys for doing that!
Anita: It's Freaking Europe!
John: And as such, even less acceptible!
Anita: Screw it. I'm leaving.Katherine: Anita, not t'anger ye, because I make it a rule not t'anger anyone can spill me soul t'the four winds, but...
Drake: What happened to your coat?
Anita: Three old ladies took it hostage.
Drake: So, three old ladies overpowered a Watcher with a gun?Director: With the exception of Drake, you're all dying. Not next week, not next month, but within days.
John's player: I win.Drake: Why don't I go have a chat with these old women?
Anita: I can see it now. "Hi, my friends are dying, any idea how to help them?"
Drake: Yeah. Sure.
Anita: I was being sarcastic.
Drake: So was I.Cyan: I can walk, you know.
Drake: And I can jump off a cliff and survive, but it's still not pleasant.Anita: I'm sorry, John, I can't rip apart time and space...or read Arabic, for that matter.
John: I'm going to go kill the old ladies and get Cyan's ring back.
Director: Okay, you all see Katherine, wearing Drake's Nazi coat. And nothing else.
John (discovering five dead bodies): Whoa! Wait, that's...I mean...here...that's recent.
Anita: How are you holding up?
Drake: Badly.
Cyan: His chick just melted, what do you expect?
Great moments:
John's first act upon entering the village: try to break into a small store.Anita walks down a country road in Europe with a shotgun strapped to her back.
John vows to murder 3 old women on suspicion of them stealing his watch and Cyan's engagement ring.
Katherine incarnates in front of Drake for the first time.
Anita gives a bird...the bird.
Jack begins his study of the Al-Azif.