The Nocturnum
Episode 13: Beyond the Sea
Original Air Date: 3/21/04
Brief Synopsis
The Cast returns to Copenhagen, where they catch a ship to Latvia. It is there that their journey east on the Orient Express will begin, and the fate of the world rests in their hands. Unfortunately, an old enemy awaits them on the train to Moscow, and they must face the demon Kane, and an angel of the Djinn before they can stop SH-01...
Great Quotes:
Walter: Why was I in the trunk!?
John: You were unconscious. It seemed like the thing to do.
Walter:...fair enough.John: Oh, we raided a museum!
Walter: Was it an evil museum?
Ship Captain: So, where are you all headed?
John: Himalayas. Trying to save the world. Or possibly freeze and die.
Captain: ...I see.Anita: Women. You can live with them, or you can die with them.
Walter: So has anyone tried to, like, do anything about this comet? Like send Bruce Willis in a shuttle to blow it up?
Drake: I can see it now: "Oh, crap, oh, crap, I'm just an actooooooooorrrrrrrrrr....!"Walter: Hey, can you see anything?
Anita (hisses): Yes, Walter. Little green men. With signs. That say, "Shut up, Walter."Anita (pretending to make small talk): So I hear it's not her baby. I hear she'll be leaving him, soon, anyway.
Walter (not picking up on it): Hey! Now I had nothing to do with that!Anita: So it seems that TemCo may have men looking for us at the dock. How do you think we should handle it?
Drake: I go first. If I win, we keep going.
Walter: I vote we fight, myself, 'cause I think it's funny when Drake gets shot.Captain: Hey, haven't seen much of you!
Drake: Sleeping.
Captain: Well, I hope you were comfortable.
Drake: Girlfriend melted.
Captain: ...John: My girlfriend can set things on fire, including me. When she wakes up at 3am with a craving, I go get food.
Cyan: Pickles, pickles, pickles, pickles, pickles, pickles...Walter: I think I need tokeep this deep dark secret for the good of the group.
Walter (after facing off with 6 vampires): Yeah! This is just like old times! Killing vampires, no super powers...broken jaw...ouch...
Walter: Where are my super powers? Go go gadget chains!
Drake's Player: Okay, so what do I roll for heart ripping?
Cyan (immolates a vampire, then turns to John): So how much did those parkas cost?
(Drake, after killing the vampires, begins to beat viciously on the wall, taking out all his angst over losing Katherine again)
Walter: You ever get the feeling that guy's a little--
Anita: Shh.Drake: I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that this old fellow? If you take off his hair and add monk's robes, he might look familiar. The good news is that the conductor speaks English.
John: Me? I just talk to the guns while I clean them.
Great moments:
To be quite honest, and I apologize for this, I've forgotten the great moments from that week. Sorry; I'll try and do better in the future.Here's what I remember by way of what happened. Walter awakened from his coma to discover that he'd lost all his powers and that the voice of Ebonor was no longer in his head. The group returned to Copenhagen and made a meeting with a fixer who arranged for them to find guns aboard the train following their ship voyage. During the voyage, the captain was very friendly and curious, and the cast was led to believe (incorrectly) by one of his crew that he was trying to milk them for information. By the time they found out the truth, the boat had docked and Drake was off looking for a fight, which he found (ironically) helping Walter off a few vampires.
In Latvia, the Cast purchases new clothes and some cold weather garments. On board the train, they discover that their old enemy Kane from Still Mountain is on board in first class with a few TemCo assassins. Kane, too, discovers their presence, and a brutal firefight breaks out, during which John is fatally wounded. Kane escapes, and a mysterious stranger (the same one the Cast encountered in the Copenhagen Library) appears out of nowhere. He heals John and informs Walter that he's been given new powers and a second chance, and not to waste it. Then he disappears, just before an Utoruk, an angel of Nyarlathotep, assaults the train. Anita calls upon Katherine, whom she lets possess her to gain the powers of a Slayer temporarily, and between her, Drake, John, and Walter (using his new power to manifest a purple flaming sword while a halo of light glows about his head), the Utoruk is soundly defeated as it tries to force its way into the train.
The train pulls into Moscow on time, and the survivng passengers and crew strangely seem to have no memory whatsoever of the events that took place en route.