The Nocturnum
Episode 14: Moscow Showdown
Original Air Date: 3/28/04
Brief Synopsis
The Cast arrives in Moscow, where an old ally they'd thought dead turns out to be very much alive, and with a vital piece to the TemCo Puzzle. While they track down a new lead, they find themselves trapped in the middle of a deadly confrontation between two enemies.
Great Quotes:
(on seeing 2 old people having sex in the train station)
Anita: Russia is a wierd place...
Cyan: Oh, my. So that's what my boobs are going to look like when I get old!?
John: Don't worry, honey! In our line of work you won't live that long!(also re: the old people)
Anita: Oh, thanks a lot, John!
John: Hey, always happy to spread the emotional trauma around.(finally, re: the old people)
Anita: Okay, I'm leaving now!Timothy Ekloff: So why are you carrying around your friend's dead body?
Cyan: He'll get better.
Anita: He's a vampire.
Ekloff: Fair enough.Anita: No phones, no e-mail, nothing!
Cyan: Well, aren't we just addicted to technology? (off Anita's look) Maybe I should just not talk...Cyan: You know, Anita, if you just need sex, Jack's here...
(the Cast gets an opportunity to bathe)
Anita: If anyone tries to sneak a peek at my boobs, they're getting two between the eyes!(Cyan uses her power to warm the otherwise frigid water. Anita is pleased.)
Cyan: See? You give me a free show, I give you warm water.Drake (upon waking up): I'm going for coffee.
John: Hey, Drake, there's a guy with an ammo store who isn't very friendly. I'm just saying...Punk vampire: You looking for trouble old man?
SHHHUNK! CRUNCH! (sound of Drake ripping his heart out and crushing it)Drake (indicating his new fedora): Indiana Jones!
Cyan (to herself): Of course he's not Gifted. He's a frigging god!
(Drake gets plugged in the back by a sniper rifle, and falls)
Cyan: Drake!!!
Drake (gets up): I think I'm okay!
Great moments:
Cyan finds a luggage trolley to transport Drake, wrapped in blankets.The gang meets Timothy Ekloff, alive, at the Moscow Train Station.
The Cast holes up in a hotel. Jack makes sandwiches, everyone bathes.
John and Walter attempt to buy ammo, but end up just getting shot at by the owner, who screams at them in Russian as he does so. Later, Drake goes back to get ammo, and takes over 100 points of damage from a shot to the head. 2 minutes later he gets up, brushes himself off, fills a bag with ammo, puts money on the counter, pats the now-praying clerk on the head, and walks out. As he leaves, he spots two vampires going into the store. He warns them not to go in. When they insult him, he pulls both of their hearts out.
Drake decides he needs a new image; he goes out and buys a fedora and a black "wifebeater" tank top with a Nike swoosh on it.
The Cast investigates Moscow Tractor Works. Ekloff goes inside to try and obtain some information. While scouting the area, the Cast witnesses a brutal shootout between TemCo and the New Moon Temple (Eastern Mutal). During the fracas, they wind up having a pleasant conversation with a man...who turns out to be Nyarlathotep. The Crawling Chaos abandons his worshippers to the murderous TemCo operatives.
During the aftermath of the battle, Ekloff runs full-tilt from the Tractor Works. Drake takes a bullet for Ekloff just in time to save his life, and the group makes a daring escape.