The Nocturnum
Episode 17: Two Minutes to Midnight
Original Air Date: 4/18/04
Brief Synopsis
The cast enters the Tyrr Nemaii, where they must search the vast underground city for clues to a way to stop SH-01 and escape before the entire mountain goes up in an explosive ball of fire.
Great Quotes:
Jack: Now we find a way to stop this comet
Drake: Then make Gerard Moore face our squirrely wrath.
Anita: You can make Gerard Moore face your squirrely wrath. I'm going home and getting laid.John (Seeing Daniel's naked body): Yeah. Not something I ever wanted to see.
Anita: Definitely something I wanted to see!Drake (Drops Uri Bucayev's body at Anita's feet): Revive him, or talk to him. He needs to tell us something.
Anita: I can't revive him. He's dead. And I don't mean mostly dead. I mean all dead.Cyan: Why don't we just break the machine?
Drake: It won't stop the comet's course.
Cyan: Why don't we just hit the comet with a nuke? It worked in Armageddon.
Drake: Armageddon?
Cyan: It's a movie.
Drake: So you're telling me there's a movie about the end of the world?
Cyan: Tons of them.
Drake: And nobody saw this coming? Idiots.John (Facing seven mutants): Oh, but things are different, this time. Now I have an assault rifle.
Anita: Say "hello" to my little friend!!! (opens up full-auto with her M-16).
Great moments:
Drake shares a moment with the dying Uri Bucayev, when they both recognize each other from their psychic visions. He is saddened both by Uri's death, and by the knowledge that there is no longer anything that can be done to stop the comet.Cyan discovers Daniel and his grandfather in stasis tubes. Anita and Jack make a heroic effort to revive the two...and succeed.
Drake pickes up the bodies of Daniel and his grandfather and carries them, whistling "Ten Little Indians."
Anita contacts Uri Bucayev's ghost, and the spirit leads the group to the office of Julian Levitz, the one man who can stop the comet. There they find hidden the exact coordinates of Ground Zero.
John, Jack, Walter, and Ekloff find a coffee machine. They take time out for a cup of joe while 55 bombs placed throughout the complex count down from 2 hours until detonation.
The group makes short work of seven mutated humans left behind as guards. Jack and Anita both go Scarface with their M-16's. Ekloff is more efficient; he drops 3 mutants with single shots to the head.
Jack hacks into the Tyrr Nemaii central computer and opens the sealed main entrance. The group steals a canvas truck and makes their escape. The final scene has them driving away from an imploded Mt. Makalu, racing towards the Gobi Desert, and their final destiny.