The Nocturnum
Episode 2: Occurrance at Miner's Folly
Brief Synopsis
The Cast continues their investigation into the murders at Miner's Folly. The next morning they awake to discover the sherriff and deputy murdered, seemingly by the very werewolf they had faced the night before. After meeting with Daniel's Grandfather, the group undertakes a mission to retrieve an ancient Native American artifact, and stand with the Indians' shamanic circle against the power behind the werewolves, an ancient evil that has infected this valley for centuries...
Great Quotes:
(Setup: It's the buttcrack of dawn, and the bleary-eyed group is getting breakfast. Daniel comes in, full of energy and rearing to go.)
Daniel: Hi, guys. Ok, I think we should track this werewolf. He's got to be behind this whole thing.
Anita (tosses a letter on the table): Drake left this for me. I don't know where he got it. It's a letter from DMI to the murdered guy upstairs, talking about a contract of some sort.
John: Well, then. We never found a body. What if he wasn't murdered? Bear with me, but what if someone hired a werewolf for a bit of industrial esponage?
Daniel: It's a possibility
John: We need to find out who was registered in room 212.
Daniel: Well, someone could snatch the sign-in book
Anita: Well go ahead, Mr. Gifted! You're so gung-ho to get moving this morning...
Daniel: Sleep well, Anita?
Anita: (blinks)Stonehill: But you must understand. The beast is not the problem
Cyan: No, his halitosis is!Stonehill: For centuries, we have kept this evil at bay. But now, one of our circle has been run down in the road, like a dog!
Cyan: (hides her face)Stonehill: You traffic with a creature of the night?
Anita: He's not that bad
Stonehill (to Daniel): You told me they were worthy.
Daniel: I didn't know anything about creatures of the night
John: Really, he's not that bad. He's a good vampire. Honest.
Anita: He fights the forces of darkness
Stonehill: I now have serious doubts about this arrangement.John: I'll need my guns. Or better yet. You said something in your legends about spears? You still have those spears? Maybe, tipped with silver?
Stonehill: No spears. We are Native Americans, not aborigines.
Daniel: Yes. We no haveum spears.Daniel: We'll need money for supplies
Cyan (fans out a dozen platinum credit cards): Take your pick
John: I love her.
Cyan: And my heart sinks just a little more...*sigh*Tourist T-shirt ideas:
I Ate Miner's Folly
I survived Miner's Folly, and all I got was this lousy T-shirt John: Hey, while you're at the store, don't forget white chalk
Daniel: What do we need that for?
John: To mark the cave walls. You know, "this way out?" So we don't get lost
Daniel: What, so just because I'm a Native American, I have to draw chalk on cave walls?Director: Daniel, get a drama point
Daniel: Ok, whitey.Anita (shows Cyan a cupie doll she bought): Look! It's all country-esque and happy!
Cyan: You really need to get laid.(Daniel notices that John has looted the sherriff's office and is bristling with 2 shotguns, 2 service revolvers, and 2 tonfa's, with 6 boxes of bullets. He pulls the truck around while John hides in the bushes)
Daniel: John...You ride shotgun.(The group is debating on how to transport Drake in the daylight)
Daniel: You know, you guys should just invest in a body bag. At least you wouldn't be lying? I can see it now! Cop pulls you over, "What are you doing?" You reply, "Just hauling a body, sir."
Anita (at Drake's abrupt change from quite dead to very much alive): Okay, that's just weird.
Drake: And I'm sure you don't look like a beauty queen when you first wake up, either.Anita (holds up cupie doll): Drake, are you familiar with a voodoo doll?
Drake: (slams and locks door)
Katherine (sticks her head through the door at Anita): Nice move. I'll handle this. (goes back through the door)Cyan (to Drake): I'm sure you've slept in a coffin once or twice. I mean, you're a vampire after all.
Daniel: Oh, now all vampires sleep in coffins, too. (raises hand in "hello" gesture) HOW! Me Daniel!
Drake: That'll be about enough, Tonto.(the group is looking at a shiny, metallic weapon laying between two decayed bodies)
John: I'm thinking that's what we came for.
Daniel: Don't pick that up. I have a bad feeling about it
Drake: I'll give you some shiny beads if you pick it up
Daniel (glares at Drake)John (with gun to a goomba's head): Drop it. Good boy. Now let's just step back some.
(Daniel accidentally drops a guy down an elevator shaft when the guy's hair comes off in his hand. Drake decides to catch the guy...and feed)
Daniel: Wanna lick the spoon? (holds out scalp)
Drake (licks the spoon)
Anita: Now that will be about enough of that.Drake: You know, I could fix all of your health problems.
John: Yes, and that's why I am holding the Glowing Disk of Goodness.Anita: I want in that room.
Daniel: Ok. (rips the doorknob off) Go on in.
John: Hey, Dan? See these here? They're called lockpicks. Next time, they're much quieter.
Daniel: Oh, ok. Sorry...I have a cold.John (to concierge): Thanks for your help!
Concierge: No problem. (muttering to self) Just don't shoot me.Anita: Oh, Daniel? Make sure you take the doorknob with you. No evidence.
John: Hey, that old man--Dan's grandfather--he doesn't have a cell phone, does he?
Drake: No, he uses smoke signals.Daniel's player: Hey, can I spend a Drama Point to attack him in slow motion?
Director: No, but I'll give you a Drama Point for doing it in slow motion!Cyan: I want to use my Fire Invocation. I want to set his pubic hair on fire.
Drake and Daniel: Goodness gracious, Great Balls of Fire!
Great moments:
Anita meets Katherine face-to-face for the first time. When Katherine realizes it's just her and Anita in the room, she quickly retreats to the Threshhold.Anita tries to rouse Drake, who is quite literally dead. Katherine wakes him in his dreams, and he inhales sharply, suddenly coming to life all Lazarus-style right before Anita's eyes.
Anita finds herself apologizing for the entire group when they make some pretty gross assumptions about Native Americans to Daniel's grandfather, John Stonehill.
John uses the Sherriff and Deputy's deaths as an opportunity to loot the sherriff's office. He exits the office, bristling with weapons, and begins to wave frantically at Anita from an alley across the street. Anita gives him the finger and turns her back on him...then turns and jogs over to him with the words, "Just kidding." Daniel gives an exasperated sigh and "goes to get the truck."
John and Daniel use some smooth fast-talking to cover up their involvement in a gunfight at the mines.
Drake stands in full sunlight in everyone's view...a shock to the rest of the group. Drake, it seems, is becoming curiouser and curiouser.
John consents to allow Drake to feed from him, because they'll need the vampire's power later. Drake is rather ingrateful about the episode.
Daniel tries to hold a guy by his hair, which promptly tears off in Daniel's hand. As the guy plummets down a mine shaft, Drake snags him...and feeds.
John realizes that the demonic creature they are doing battle with is psychically attacking members of the shamanic circle. He compensates by charging the demon from behind, and pulling his knapsack over the monster's head, so it can't see. He gets a drama point for the effort.
Cyan successfully uses her magic for the first time.
The group does battle with 2 werewolves, and some sort of demonic entity they have never encountered before. Anita goes temporarily mad when she tries to look at the monster's aura.
Cyan steals a black Ford Explorer from evil henchmen to replace the one she lost. The group makes for Pittsburgh as soon as the roads out of town are clear.