The Nocturnum
Episode 4: Stillness
Original Air Date: 10/5/03
Brief Synopsis
Anita recieves a call for a case locating a missing girl in San Francisco, California. After Drake recieves a terrifying vision of a small village in the area, and premonitions of a connection with the end of the world, he contacts Anita, and they gather the group together to face whatever threat may lie there.Arriving at a small monastic community in the mountains of northern California, our heroes uncover a legacy of madness, murder, and conspiracy, tied to the creatures they have faced twice already, and to a comet that seems destined to destroy the very world. In the midst of this horror, they find themselves face-to-face with an old ally they'd thought dead and burned...
Great Quotes:
Drake (Calls Daniel): Is the world still here?
Daniel: ...last I checked.
Drake: Thanks. (Hangs up)Drake (Daniel calls back): You're all going to be eaten by sentient Jell-O, while surrounded by corpses that have been making out with mutant porcupines. Then, the Earth is going to explode. Bye.
Drake (calling Daniel later): Pack your bag. The world's going to explode.
John (to Anita): I always thought it was Kat that was the Hell Magnet, but it was YOU all along!
Anita (on phone with John, irrational): What did you do with his body!?
Daniel: WHAT!?
John: Uh, you're gonna have to be a little more specific than that.Daniel (re: Anita): She's like the white mother I never had.
Daniel: You're a biker? They still MAKE you?
Drake: Tonto, Thorazine. Anita.
Anita: Walter? Walter....WALTER!!! (crickets chirp)
Drake: Something's screwing with Anita.
Cyan: About time someone did.
Anita: HEY!Drake: Tonto, make sure you bring your tomahawk
Daniel: I get sick when I read in the car. Mess up any demon in the world, but I can't read in the car.
(After finding their client Ken Hito dead and flayed in the refrigerator, Daniel drinks milk out of the fridge. Anita smacks him)
Daniel: What? He ain't gonna use it.(John finds a canvas made of flayed skin)
John: ANITA!!!!Daniel: Man, this is the worst apartment I've ever been in.
Anita: [SMACK!]Neighbor: Where is Mr. Hito?
Daniel: Um, let me get him for you. (goes inside and closes door) Crap, crap, crap, crap...
Drake: Problem?
Daniel: Neighbor looking for Ken Hito
Drake: Well, just put on his face and go on out!Cyan: Oh! You're going shopping for chains? I wanna go! Chain fun!
Drake: Well, I suppose the good news is now that the father is dead, we don't have to worry about going to find the daughter.
Daniel: Look, if crazy stuff with bugs is going on, I don't want to be chained up back here!
Drake: Well, I guess you shouldn't have gotten bitten, then, should you?
Daniel: Neither should you!Daniel: ...Well, eat him or something!!!
Anita (to tormented, gory ghost): Um...listen, I can't sleep with you singing. Yeah..if you could just go away, I'd really appreciate it.
(After a mystical affliction that Cyan contracted magically goes away)
Daniel: There! Fixed it!Daniel (to astronomer in observatory): C'mere for a minute. I'm going to tell you a secret. (whispers) I broke in last night, and read your journal.
Scientist: SECURITY!Daniel (as he's getting thrown out of the observatory): RACISTS! You're all a bunch of racists! Yeah, you thought I was going for my wallet to bribe you, but I was actually reaching for my RACE CARD!
Daniel (arriving back at the cabin): Hi, Guys.
John: Hi...awatha.Director: Come on, do you really think I'm that kind of an asshole?
Sam: No, Jason's a completely different kind of asshole.Drake (re: Ken Hito): He's getting a facelift.
Cyan (to monks): So...are you guys ninjas?
Drake (upon seeing Walter alive): THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!
Great moments:
Drake calls Daniel, informs him that the world is going to end, and hangs up.Drake calls Daniel back, and orders him to pack his bag, they're heading for California...and hangs up.
Anita sees a familiar face following her around. She's convinced that it is the ghost of Walter, haunting her for some unknown reason.
The group, upon arriving in San Francisco, finds their client, Ken Hito, dead and flayed in the refrigerator. His skin and face are stretched across a canvas in the art studio of his apartment. The group notices an odor that they later connect to the strange, demonic creatures they've faced twice already.
Outside of the apartment, Drake catches Walter's scent on the wind. The group debates how this is possible, when John had Walter cremated after his death.
The group tracks Hito's daughter Kay to a small monastic village in the mountains, whose only notable feature is a relatively new observatory. In this observatory, Drake and Daniel discover the existence of a comet that will apparently strike the Earth within the next year and a half. John calls the Initiative and is fed a government cover story about the comet.
After questioning the various peoples in the village, including Kay's uncle, a mentally challenged monk, and the head of the monestary, the group manages to track Kay to a hidden cavern beneath the monastery. There, they rescue Kay, but find themselves face-to-face with the bestial, demonic master of the cave, who has been wearing the guise of the head of the monastary. A mysterious savior bails the group out from certain death, and they make a mad dash for the exit.
As the group exits the Observatory, they see none other than their dead (or so they thought) companion, Walter, leaning against the doorway, looking severely beaten. Drake cries out, "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" and decks Walter, leading to a brief confrontation between the two. After Anita breaks up the confrontation, Walter's first words to the group are, "Uh...hi, guys.