The Nocturnum
Episode 5: Showdown at the E.R. Corral
Original Air Date: 10/26/03
Cameo by Jeffrey Combs as Dr. Herbert West
Brief Synopsis
The group rushes Kay Hito to a San Francisco hospital after the ordeal at Still Mountain. Unfortunately, before they can leave town, they recieve a visit by the police and are informed that they are suspects in the murder of Ken Hito. Before they can skip town, they discover that the Combine, a fiend from Hell, and a small horde of re-animated corpses have other plans....
Great Quotes:
Drake (to Walter): It's all your fault.
John: I'm still processing that I have two dead guys.
Drake: I'm not yours. Walter may be. I don't know.
Cyan: So Walter is John's bitch?Walter: Wait, how do the police know that Ken was alive when he was skinned?
John: You know, I really don't want to ask the cops that.
Drake: It's all in the face.(Walter clocks a Combine agent in the face)
Drake: So Walter...still no impulse control.(Walter accidentally fells John with his new clawed chains)
Walter: These new powers don't freaking work!Anita: If Drake survives this and gets away, I'll let him feed from me.
Drake: That's legally binding! It's a verbal contract! I want that recorded! I want that recorded!Drake's player: I'm making 12 punches. Spending 12 Essence.
Director: You realize your 12th punch will still be at -22, right?
Drake's player (thinks): I'm making 7 punches. And spending a Drama Point.Director: Walter, you get a sense of tacit approval regarding the chaos all around
Walter's player: I make obscene gestures at the floor.
Voice in Walter's head: I'm not down there.
(an old woman with glowing red eyes lunges out and decks Walter)
Walter: Oh, you fucking fuck!
(Turns and runs away) (Crew laughs uproariously)
[END BLOOPER REEL OUTTAKE](Huge red demon appears in front of Walter)
Walter: Okay, you know what? I'm going to deal with you later.
(Runs away)Walter (to Daniel): Do you have a gun?
Daniel: I'm a doctor, not an assassin!
Walter: Ok, let's keep running.Director: Walter sees two policemen coming down the hall towards him and the zombies.
Walter (to cops): Hey, I'm innocent! They're attacking me!Walter (Screaming amidst the chaos): ANITA! ZOMBIES!!!
(after accidentally felling a cop with his new chains that he can't quite control)
Walter: Dammit! You know, these are great in theory, but I got the crappy Korean version of Hellspawned powers!Anita (to Walter): Grounded!
Walter: Oh, so I'm the crazy one because I hear voices?
(After witnessing Drake operate in direct sunlight)
Walter: And why is Drake not on fire?
John: Why aren't you?? I had you cremated!Walter: Well, as long as I'm making Drake's life unhappy, then okay.
Walter: So you know how when you die like a hero and sacrifice your life to save all humanity and the entire world you go to this place where there are clouds and gardens and harps and it's like a paradise where you get to sit in complete contentment and utter happiness for all of eternity as a reward? Well someone didn't get the message because I WENT TO HELL!
John: Ok, fine, you were in hell, very tragic, we're sorry, we'll buy you an ice cream cone later, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!?[DVD BLOOPER REEL OUTTAKE]
Anita: Oh, Drake's always had a soul.
Walter: Nuh-uh!
(Cast and crew laugh uproariously)
Great moments:
John openly confesses to the police that a mad cult was responsible for the events in Still Mountain.Upon seeing the Combine agents, Anita decides she "has to go to the bathroom. now," grabs Cyan, and runs. John, on the other hand, decides to go talk to them.
Walter comes up behind the agents, and punches one right in the face as they turn to face him.
Drake takes on four Combine agents in broad daylight. Anita witnesses him go all Neo on them, dodging multiple gunshots, throwing out a blur of punches and kicks, even stopping bullets in midair.
Anita takes out two Combine agents, using her necromancy to push their souls from their bodies, and following up with gunshots to the head (using Drama Points to do so).
Walter comes face-to-face with the fiend who followed him out of Hell...and runs.
Walter takes out John and a cop due to his inability to completely control his new powers.
Cyan forces her way into the E.R. where John is being treated, and uses magic to heal him right before the stunned doctors' eyes. She leaves. The doctors allow John to walk out.
John plugs two Combine agents and steals their car.
Walter briefly meets and threatens Dr. Herbert West, who chose a convenient time to resume his experiments in re-animating the dead. West is arrested as the group makes their escape. Walter procures a sample of re-agent in the process.
Walter explains as best he can his experiences in Hell. Nobody is remotely shocked.
Cyan and Anita both (to Walter's displeasure) volunteer to allow Drake to feed from them.