The Nocturnum
Episode 8: A family Affair
Original Air Date: 1/18/04
Brief Synopsis
The group travels to Bowersville, Georgia, in search of information regarding the whereabouts of Timothy Ekloff. During the journey, Anita has a violent nightmare, which leaves her with an ominous word spinning through her mind: Shk'ryth.Upon the group's arrival in Atlanta, Georgia, Cyan reveals to John that she is pregnant with John's child. John doesn't appear to deal with the news very well. It also comes to light that Walter has, in fact, been possessed by his spirit patron, who introduces himself as Eberon, but is revealed to be the very creature the group failed to trap in the Hellmouth the year before.
As a further twist, it seems that the Black Man is on the heroes' side in this particular case, and in any case, they don't want to risk killing Walter over the issue, believing that there must be a reason their friend is back from Hell. Not to mention, tangling with an Elder God...not the brightest course of action.
When the group arrives in Bowersville, they must face a swamp polluted with the demonic essence of Shub Niggurath, who seeks to devour the entire town in her dark hunger for creation and destruction. They must do battle with her Dark Seed to get to the journals of Timothy Ekloff, hidden deep within the swamp. Success leads them to a cryptic journal entry, and the name of an old contact of Ekloff's in Savannah. They also discover that Ekloff is an ex-CIA agent, and they come into contact with a new ally: a priest named Father Cartier.
Great Quotes:
Walter/Eberon (banging on John and Cyan's door): Come on, let's go get breakfast! I want to get some real food inside me! I haven't eaten real food in centuries!
Cyan (to John): Can I light his pubes on fire?
Walter/Eberon (from outside): That could be fun!Walter/Eberon (to John): I sometimes wish I could settle down, find a girl, and have kids. Do you like kids, John?
John: No. They're hostages waiting to happen.
Walter/Eberon: Really? You should like kids.
John (to self): Should I put the bullet in his head or mine?John (upon realizing who Walter is possessed by): Why can't you just stop messing with me?
Walter/Eberon: You know, these are great eggs. I haven't had eggs this good in millennia.
John: When do we get Walter back?
Walter/Eberon: I am Walter...more or less.
John: And how long are you going to stay in control of him?
Walter/Eberon: Until I get bored with it.
John: And that'll be what? Months? Years?
Walter/Eberon: Could be centuries. But I doubt it'll be that long. He's incessantly screaming at me from inside his head that he wants back out.
John: The ham's good, too.
Walter/Eberon: Of course. Any seared flesh is good.
John: Well screw it. My day's shot, now.(after the group slams the door in Walter/Eberon's face)
Walter/Eberon: Now what do I do? I could go burn something down, that's always fun.John (at the news that he's going to be a daddy): Yeah...I'm the daddy...you don't mean that in a kinky fun way, do you?
John: Oh, Walter is somewhere inside his own head, screaming. We had a lovely breakfast, though.
Anita (To Eberon): Listen, I don't care who you are, you're in my friend's body, and I want one thing perfectly clear. I'm running the show, and I call the shots, and as long as you're in Walter, you do as I say. Understood?
Eberon: Sure, I'll play.Eberon: And while we're on the subject, what exactly are s'mores, anyway?
Anita: Chocolate and marshmallows melted over a fire. And NO, you can't make a camp fire in the hotel room
Drake (Mouths to Eberon): Later.Cyan (To Eberon): No, you're not voting twice.
Eberon: Why not? There's two of us in here.(after John pukes on him)
Eberon: Now that wasn't wise. Now when I leave you're going to have to deal with Walter smelling like puke.(The group is checking on Anita, who woke up screaming, and Drake has a sudden realization)
Drake (To Eberon): Oh, no. Did we leave the fire going in the hotel room?
Eberon: Yup.
(Drake bolts out of the room)DVD Blooper Reel Outtake:
Anita: John! Drop the box and run!
John: And let them get hold of it? Fuck a whole lot of that!
(Cast and crew laughs uproariously)
End OuttakeJohn (To Clarice Ekloff): We're headed into the swamp. If you hear gunshots, don't be afraid.
Clarice: I think you should leave, now.
John: I am leaving. For the middle of the swamp.
Anita: Okay, John. Time to go, now.John (calling Drake): The little plant things are like Voltron. They can get together to make one big ass plant thing. The Voltron with the cars, I mean, not the lions.
Drake: Great. Just one question. What the bloody hell is Voltron!?Drake (in answer to John's offer to feed from him): Slurpie!!!
Great moments:
Cyan's way of telling John she's pregnant: She gives him a present that when unwrapped contains a stress ball, a box of Huggies, and a T-shirt reading, "I'm the Daddy."Drake makes raspberries at Walter through the door of his room.
John reacts to Walter's possession and the news that he will soon be a father in the best way he can: By getting heinously drunk.
Anita calls the Twilight Order to ask for advice on exorcising Nyarlathotep. Their answer? "You're screwed. Look at the bright side; if he wanted you dead, you'd be dead already."
John vomits on Eberon's shoes.
Cyan boldly charges into combat...several times.
Eberon uses Walter's clawed chains to drag John and Cyan out of the animated swamp, injuring them but saving their lives in the process.
The group discovers crayon drawings in Samuel Ekloff's collection that display Anita's nightmare from the plane trip down, and Cyan's attempted rape by the undead sherriff.