The Nocturnum
Episode 9: Revelations
Original Air Date: 1/25/03
Walter "woke up" en route to Savannah, GA, and found the group acting very strangely towards him. He was aware that Eberron possessed him for a time, but has no memory of what happened during the time he was possessed. It comes with the territory of having a spirit patron. Nobody was very talkative, but he was able to piece together that they were headed to track down (finally) Timothy Ekloff. They'd also picked up a Catholic Priest somewhere along the way (apparently Ekloff's former pastor who was worried about him and also being hunted by the FBI), a fact that made Drake EXTREMELY uncomfortable.Arriving in Savannah, the group went to a dinner meeting with a representative from Eastern Mutual named Mr. Shephard, to exchange notes. During the meeting, before any really useful information could be exchanged, however, an assassin shot the Eastern Mutual representative and through careful setting up of obstacles and liberal use of Drama Points, managed to miraculously escape both John and Drake and get away. Anita tried to summon Shepherd's spirit, but it was so disoriented and confused she really didn't get much out of it.
John and Drake stole Shepherd's van to get away after the group did a quick search of the inside. The inside of it was covered with strange, arcane symbols, and had an alter and a locked trunk in the back. Anita was happy to find a loaded pistol in the glove box. The rest of the group followed in Father Cartier's car.
The police came after the van. Drake threw John out in an alley, then drove the van off of a pier and walked along the bottom of the ocean for several miles to evade the police.
After everyone regrouped back at their hotel, they cleaned up and called Tommy Zane (the contact they had for Ekloff), who agreed to meet with them. At this meeting they were informed that Ekloff was hiring mercenaries for some sort of covert mission to the Himalayas, where the TemCo conspiracy is supposedly coming to fruition. The group was to attend an indocrtination for this mission the following night at a local rave club in the basement.
The next night, the group went to the rave club and were mildly surprised when three Goth chicks rolled up on Drake, asking him where he'd been the past two nights. All 3 had bite marks on their necks. Drake just looked at everyone and shrugged. His explanation? "Hey, they're alive, aren't they?"
Ekloff was surprised and less than happy to see the Cast. However, he agreed to let them in on the mission. Alas, as the meeting began, five men entered and began shooting up all the mercenaries. John and Drake made valiant efforts to stop it (John managed to plug all five of them, but they were wearing vests), before they all (including Ekloff) felt stabbing pains in their necks, got woozy, and fell. The last thing they saw was the priest, holding a tranquilizer pistol and talking to the thugs. He said, "I did what you told me. I got them here and helped. Now I just want my life back." The thugs shot him in the head. Then everything went black. Three Drama Points were granted for the way the episode ended.
Great Quotes:
John: What you need to understand is that there are several types of vampires.
Father Cartier: What!? What do you mean? Who's a vampire?
John: Just never you mind that...(after feeding on several Goth Chicks)
Drake: You know what? I'm going to roll them for cash while I'm at it.Father Cartier: You are all in my prayers, daily.
Drake: I'd better not be!Drake's Player: Oooh! Can I box up a Goth and send her to Pittsburgh?
Maitre D: Reservations?
Drake: Yes, I have one about the Priest.Father Cartier: Actually, it's not just Catholics. There are other branches of Christianity that wear collars
John: Okay, that's so not important right now.Cyan: So it's Nyarlathotep.
Anita: Ok, can we please not say his name out loud?
Drake: Well, there are worse things out there than Nyarlathotep
Anita: Enough!
John: Out of all the Elder Gods...
Anita: I'm going to the bathroom.(Hearing a hacksaw and thumping)
Anita: Drake!(Upon finding a loaded Walther PPK)
Anita: And suddenly, everything is right with the world.[Directorial Exchange]
Director: As you hit the pier, you realize you're driving on a boardwalk. Passengers leap out of your way willy-nilly. There's the sound of splashing as several bodies hit the water.
Drake: I make sure to wave to some of the people as I go past.
Director: As you lean out to wave, you almost lose control of the van. Next thing you know, you're driving through a funnel cake stand.
Drake: I reach out and snag a funnel cake. Can I spend a Drama Point?
(everyone laughs)
Director: Why yes...yes, you can. And then you get it right back. Okay, so you have the funnel cake. The van barrels off the end of the pier and floats for a few seconds, as cars do. What do you do?
Drake: Wind up the window. I'm not leaving till I finish scarfing this funnel cake.
Director: Okay, the van finally sinks, and you finish the funnel cake. What now?
Drake: Now I muscle my way out of the van and go back to the hotel
Director: Being from the 16th century and not knowing how to swim, you're shocked when your body begins to float to the surface.
Drake: I grab the door of the van and look around for a really big rock to carry.Drake: Yes, always remember, when sinking to the bottom of a lake, grasp firmly your funnel cake!
(In answer to the group's annoyed looks re: 3 Goth girls with bite marks)
Drake: Hey...they're still alive, aren't they?Ekloff: I'm a bit disturbed that five amateurs tracked me down.
Anita: I am a professional private investigator, thank you very much. And we were actually hired by [Eastern Mutual] to find you, but I'm thinking very seriously about not telling them, because I have a strong suspicion that they worship the devil.John (just before losing consciousness): I knew I should've shot that priest when I had the chance.
Great moments:
As the group decides to partake in a little much-needed R&R, John becomes the girls' hero (temporarily) by pulling out a hand-drawn map of all the malls and boutiques in town.Drake makes an "anti-priest" sign and tacks it to Father Cartier's door.
Drake, in dire need, goes out alone to feed and discovers a Goth club, where he manages to pick up three vampire groupies. All of the girls let him drink from them. He then proceeds to roll them for cash and walks away with $30 cash.
The group go to meet Shepherd, an Eastern Mutual Representative. Shepherd is killed right in front of them by a clever and professional assassin who manages to outwit both John and Drake.
The group nabs Shepherd's van and is shocked to find a dark temple of some sort in the back.
Drake finds a mutilated (and still living) man in a trunk in the back of the van. He performs a mercy killing...or is it a mercy feeding?
In an effort to escape police, Drake ditches John in an alley, then drives a stolen van off a pier. He then (after eating a pilfered funnel cake) proceeds to walk five miles along the bottom of the ocean to get away.
The Cast makes a new contact in one Tommy Zane, a Mercenary Fixer in Georgia.
Father Cartier betrays the Cast, shooting each of them in turn with a tranquilizer gun. He's then killed by the very people to whom he betrayed the Cast.