Episode 3: Don't Fear the Ripper
(Part One)Brief Synopsis
Anita has lost contact with the Watcher's Council. She later finds out through other channels that the Council has been destroyed and all the remaining potential slayers are being herded towards Sunnydale, CA. She and Kat are suddenly completely on their own. A recent string of murders resembling those of the infamous Jack the Ripper may somehow be connected to the Djinn's plans to arise again; Drake begins suffering severe nightmares regarding the killings. The group discovers that the killings surround a young, wealthy Wiccan named Dana Green, and a ceremonial knife she purchased at an auction a month ago, and that the Ripper is a demonic entity who seeks to Ascend to Earthly form. They fear Dana may be a sacrificial "Chosen One" required to make this happen.
Quotes of the Week
Cyan: Have you been watching the news?
Jon: Robotech is on!Walter (on phone): So, you think this is a normal killer or something supernatural?
(Anita, who has just finished telling Kat that the Watcher's Council has been blown up, is flabbergasted and thinks Walter is psychic or something)
Anita: Uh...I don't know what you're talking about...
Walter: Turn on the TV. There's been a serial killing.
Anita (Relieved): OH! You mean that serial killer!Walter: What's Robotech?
Kat: It's a cartoon. It has Robo and Tech in it.Walter: So, here's a hypothetical...let's say that this is, in fact, a demon, and the cops are competent enough to find him. What then?
Anita: Why does he have to eat Kittens!? Why can't he eat sewer rats or something!?
Jonathan (to Anita): Want a cigar?
Kat: They're sugar free!Drake: I'm looking for an 8-track of ABBA.
Anita: I'm beginning to re-think my position on letting him live.Drake: Okay, I've been out of the loop for awhile, but last time I checked, they still spoke English in the United States. I said, 'stay here.'
Anita: We're coming with you. What, don't you trust us to know where your crypt is?
Drake: Invite me into your house. (silent pause) I see... Stay here; I'll be back in like 5 minutes.Anita (to Kat): I don't think you should be patrolling alone.
Drake: I'll go with her.
Walter: Ha, ha, ha! No, you won't.(Setup: Anita, Walter, Drake, and Kat are at Anita's. Walter makes the mistake of announcing to Drake that Kat is the Slayer. Just as he does this, The phone rings. It's Jon, who is with Cyan elsewhere). Anita (exasperated): Hello?
Jon: You ok?
Drake (sudden realization, off of Walter's announcement that Kat is the Slayer): Wait...so you're a Slayer, and you're her Watcher!!!
Jon (on phone, hangs up. To Cyan): Cyan! We have to go to Anita's house, now!
(Back at Anita's)
Anita (to Drake): Okay, you can start convincing me why I shouldn't kill you, now.
Drake (grins): I brought you kittens.Drake (indicating kittens): I rescued them from a poker game.
Jon: Okay, I actually understand that, and you have no idea how disturbing that is.Drake (about Kat being the slayer): So...Walter made an oopsie!
Kat: Okay, So is everybody clear on the fact that I'M THE SLAYER!?
Anita (re: Jon's awkward behavior towards a sobbing Cyan): What? it's okay for you to have sex with her, but you can't give her a hug!?
Kat (indicating Drake): Bachelor #3 does not eat kittens.
Notable Moments
Everyone in the group finds out that Kat is the Slayer...even if they don't know what a Slayer is.
Jon presents Kat with a box of Wheaties for Christmas...and blames it on Drake
Drake wins 30 kittens in a poker game...and proceeds to give them away.
Walter gets arrested, standing over a dead body with an illegal firearm.
Cyan applies for a concealed handgun carry permit
Anita and Cyan are briefly hospitalized after a battle with the Ripper's demonic henchmen. She uses her P.I. status to talk her way out of a forced hospital stay.
Jon and Dana Green send dinner to the police staking Dana's house out.