The Nocturnum
Episode 1: The Thing in the Park (Part One)
The original text for this adventure was written by Dr. Michael C. LaBossiere and can be found here.This episode makes use of three of our recurring guest stars from Season 1, and more guests will be popping back up as the season goes on. If you want to re-familiarize yourself with these folks, their writeups can be found here.
Brief Synopsis
Blake investigations is hired by the sister of a murder victim to find the man's killer. But what at first seems a mundane murder quickly unravels to reveal a series of disappearences, an archaeological dig with strange symbols, and a demon with a gruesome use for human flesh...
Great Quotes:
Director: You see Drake come upstairs, with a woman.
Cyan: Wow. That's a first.
Director: And she's breathing.
Anita: And solid!Drake: Mind if I use your computer?
Cyan: Do you know how to use a computer?
Drake:...of course.
Cyan: Have you ever used a computer before?
Drake: If you mean to smash someone's head off of, then yes, of course.
John: Start/Run/C:/Format. (Cyan glares at John)Anita: C'mere.
Drake: I can't.
Anita: Drake, come here.
Drake (Points to the sunlight in which Anita is standing): No, I mean I really can't.Cyan: What's up? Everything okay?
Anita: Fine. Everything's fine.
Cyan: Yeah. Fine my ass.
Anita: Why yes, Cyan, your ass looks quite shapely today.Anita: Drake. Chinese?
Drake: I'll have a 40-year-old man.
Anita: Not people, Drake. Noodles.(Cyan, John, Anita, and Anita's beau Alan are at lunch)
Anita: So, when are you two getting married?
Cyan: When are YOU two?
(Alan nearly chokes, and spits lo mein all over Cyan)
Anita: Does that answer your question?
Cyan (picking lo mein out of her hair): Right. So you're just screwing, then?
(Alan turns beet red)(Anita calls Rupert Giles)
Anita: Giles? Wolfram and Hart is setting up shop in Pittsburgh.
Giles: Are they? Well that's a bit disturbing, isn't it?
Anita: Why yes, Giles. Yes it is. Make them go away.
Giles: Now you know I really can't do that.
Giles: Which we do not use to assault lawfirms.
Anita: What about LA!?
Giles: LA was overrun with demons. Tall ones. Twenty feet. And there was a dragon. Did I mention the dragon? Angel lost an arm fighting that dragon.
Anita: *sigh*
Giles: Do be on guard, Anita.Anita (re: Alan): Well, he is British...I'm sure he's dealt with all kinds of crazy women in his own country. I mean, have you SEEN Bridget Jones?
Anita: Okay, well, this guy? He was about to start working for Wolfram and Hart.
Lexie: Aren't they some big law firm or something?
Anita: They're an evil law firm.
Lexie: Is there any other kind?
Anita: No, not evil like French people are evil. Truly evil, like...
Lexie: Remember a few minutes ago, when I said there are things that I don't understand, and things that I really don't want to?
Anita: Right...well, they're evil. In a big way. Take my word for it.Lexie (exasperated): Great. Now there's evil lawyers, too.
John: What other kind are there?Drake: A week ago, someone spilled blood here. And about three days ago, something...more than human was here. And also, you're standing in dog poo.
Cyan: The guy died five days ago. The girl went missing ten days ago.
John: And the construction workers dug up the demon thing eleven days ago.
Cyan: Right...um, demon?Drake: Oh! Tell her about the medallion. How the idiots moved the medallion.
John: I'm getting to that.John: And apparently, the demon is resistant to bullets, because they shot it four times with muskets.
Drake: Ten dollars says it's Richard Simmons
Director: The water turns to blood.
Anita's Player: WHAT!?
Director: Just kidding.Anita (on the phone with Alan): Hey, how are you?
Alan: All right. Recovering from some inappropriate comments at lunch.
Anita: Yeah, sorry about that. My friends don't have much in the way of social graces. Hell, I don't have much in the way of social graces.
Alan: Yes, I've noticed. I mean...!
Anita: Gee, thanks.
Alan: I'm teasing.
Anita: So you remember about two years ago, we left that little book with you guys?
Alan: The Idiot's Guide to Mad God Summoning. I remember.
Anita: Yeah...I kind of need that back for a little while.
Great moments:
The gang's life gets back to normal--such as it is--with the re-introduction of Detective Joe Knonaem, and Lexie Carver.Drake does his first Google search. See the results here
The secret--such as it is--about Anita and Alan is out, and the gang is pretty well aware that she's dating him, thanks to some "bordering on rude" comments by Cyan.
Drake asks Lexie point blank how one would go about using science to resurrect a body that had been dead for 200 years.