Episode 4: Don't Fear the Ripper
(Part Two)Brief Synopsis
Jonathan is attacked by over a dozen Demonic Ripper Henchmen just after Dana awakens from a terrifying nightmare painting her as the vessel and final sacrifice for the Ripper. As he fights to defend her, something knocks him out from behind. Drake, unable to get into the house due to lack of an invite, makes for the sewers and calls Anita. The group convenes at Dana's and fights off the remaining Demon Henchmen, only to find out that Dana has been completely possessed by the Ripper and has vanished. Now the group is faced with the task of stopping the girl from killing herself at the stroke of midnight, lest the Ripper Demon arise...
Quotes of the Week
(Detective Knonaem has called Anita to pick up Walter, who has been taken in for questioning regarding a murder the previous night).
Anita (on phone with Walter): I can't come get you right now. There are demons crawling around Dana's, and my back hurts. Meet us there.
Walter: Um...my bus is already there.Drake: I'm dialing 1-800-SLAYER.
(Detective Knonaem, discussing the presence of 18 dead demons with Jonathan)
Knonaem: You didn't see anything. You were knocked out the whole time. You had nothing to do with this.
Jonathan: Riiight.
Knonaem: Get out of here.
Jonathan: Have a nice day, detective.(Knonaem calls Anita after dismissing Jonathan)
Knonaem: Um...is there something you're not telling me, Miss Blake?(Someone suggests getting handcuffs to restrain Dana)
Cyan: Get the kind that connect to the neck. That way she can't move. Those are fun.
Drake: Point of order--Can we stop calling me 'Evil Dead?'
Jonathan: You're a vampire, which means you're dead, right?
Drake: Well, yes.
Jonathan: And you don't have a soul, which means you are, in fact, evil, correct?
Drake: Not necessarily.
Jonathan: Okay, fine. You're Evil Lite. You're the Diet Coke of Evil.(Discussing Walter's Arrest)
Jonathan: When did you get arrested?
Walter: Last night, when Dana went out and killed a woman. I followed her.
Jonathan: Wait...she never left the house.
Walter: Okay, then she has an IDENTICAL TWIN who likes to murder people!Walter: Janet Reno is a Lovecraftian thing from beyond the universe!
Walter: You can only pass out so many times before you get used to it.
(Trying to shut up Walter's rant about supernatural monsters)
Kat: Aaaaaaaand....close.(At Cyan's, after the final battle)
Cyan: Um...just don't touch anything made of leather or chains. Trust me on that.
Notable Moments
Drake, under the spell of the Dagger, falls into a trance outside Dana's house, and wakes up after dawn, on fire, with the sounds of combat inside. He turns and runs for the sewer.
Anita and company are shocked to learn that Detective Knonaem is well aware of the existence of demons in Pittsburgh. Anita explains to Knonaem that while it's his job to deal with earthly criminals, it's hers to deal with unearthly ones.
Lexie Carver shows up at Anita's holding a Polaroid of the dead demon henchmen and asks, "Okay, what are these?" Drake quickly explains the existence of demons to Lexie by putting his game face on. Lexie promptly passes out.
Walter fills a bathroom at a public park with molitov cocktails and cans of gasoline, then throws a lit Zippo in and runs.
The group convenes at the Hellmouth to await Dana's arrival for the final ritual. Drake dresses like a homeless man and pretends to sleep...on the Hellmouth.
Jonathan, using a submachine gun, racks up 18 demon kills, expending 90 rounds of ammunition in the process. Drake has a very bad night, spending a great many Drama Points to offset very bad die rolls, and winds up unconscious with wounds that would've easily killed any non-vampire member of the group.
Anita and Cyan complete the spell to cast out the Ripper, which seems to backlash and hurls both them and Dana out of sight. No one knows for some time whether or not the spell succeeded (it did).
Walter, in an act of desperation, attempts to order the Demon Henchmen back to Hell by brandishing the now very unmagical dagger. Upon seeing 27 of their comrades dead around them, Dana no longer black eyed, black haired, and veiny, and themselves surrounded by the white hats, the 3 remaining demons break for the river. Walter is proud of himself.
The group gains a valuable ally in Dana Green after saving her from the Ripper, and unlimited access to her large Occult Library. They destroy the dagger.