Episode 5: Exterminators and Anne Rice
Brief Synopsis
The city is beset by a series of mysterious deaths, beginning with the death of a runner, Percy Swan, at Carnegie Mellon University. The deaths involve the removal of the spinal fluids of the victims, and damage from being dropped from a great height. The gang traces the source to an insectoid demon who uses spinal fluids to nurse its young. As they race to stop the demonic creature, one of Kat's friends, Loralei, is seduced by a young vampire looking to make her name in town.
Quotes of the Week
Kat: Great. Welcome to another episode of My So-Called Slayer.
Kat: Mercy for Percy.
Drake: It was a Percy Killing.
Walter: Yeah, he took a Swan dive.Drake: Look, if Italians can make Italian Jokes, and blacks can make black jokes, I can make dead jokes, okay?
(Drake calls Anita on Kat's cell phone) Kat (snapping fingers, remembering): That's right, he has my cell phone.
Drake: Someone just called for Kat.
Anita: Who?
Drake: I don't know, but I'm meeting her at the Upstage tonight with kittens.Walter: I figured it out! We need a spotlight and 50 yards of electric net. World's biggest bug zapper.
(Anita, on phone with Walter. Kat is harassing her in the background)
Anita (to Kat): GO TO YOUR ROOM!
Walter (on phone): Um...okay...
Anita: NO! Not you!
Kat: Ok.
Anita: (sighs)(Kat calls her friend Sandra, who is at school)
Sandra: Hello? Hi. (to someone in background) What? Hang on, I'm on the phone! (to Kat) Can you hold on a minute? The teacher wants me to go to the principal's office, now.Anita: We're meeting Walter at the library. Yeah, Walter at the library...I know, it's funny.
Walter: Hey! I read!Walter (to Dana Green): Hi, Dana. So, serial killed anyone lately?
Anita (to pretty much everyone, at least once): GROUNDED!
Walter: Wow. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Slayer
Kat: Um, I just witnessed mosquito sex. I quit.
Kat (upon seeing Drake with another vampire): Aw, Drakie got a girlfriend (to female vamp, without missing a beat) TOUCH ME, AND DIE.
Walter (upon seeing Drake and the female vamp): What, don't we kill them anymore!?
Drake: Hey, demons are people, too.
Walter: No, you're really not.Drake (about to stake the female vamp): You want to kill Loralei, fine. But killing my kittens is a no-no.
Notable Moments
Jonathan comes up with a solid plan for actually building a giant bug zapper.
Detective Knonaem comes to an understanding with the group, and actually calls Anita in on a case.
Anita decides that Kat must need therapy.
Kat's friend Sandra exhibits some frightening powers, including the ability to see demons in disguise, and "bind" them where they stand. Sandra refuses to discuss the issue, but proves instrumental in saving their mutual friend Loralei from being sired as a vampire by Blaire.
Walter dumps several gallons of gasoline inside the larvae cave, and detonates the entire place.
Drake gets enraged over Blaire's feeding on eight of his dozens of kittens.
Kat and Drake take great amusement in the name "Percy Swan."