Episode 6: Shaking the Hive
Brief Synopsis
The cast comes together for lunch, having been out of regular contact for a few weeks, to exchange notes and catch up. Through their conversation, they discover that each of them possesses vital pieces to the puzzle that is the Djinn. Jonathan is not present, and while it is evident that Cyan knows where he is, she isn't talking. A strange prophecy comes to light regarding the rise of an Old One, identified variously as the Djinn, Tezcatlipoca, The Black Magician, The Mirror that Smokes, The Shadow, and Nyarlathotep; and the death of the Slayer.
While at lunch, Anita is contacted by the head of the building committee for the Hive Arcana cafe, club, and New Age store that Dana Green and she are setting up. One of the workers has fallen while re-painting the ceiling, and strange events are occurring all around. Through investigation, the Cast discovers a hidden room in the basement and uncovers the dark history of a demonic cult that operated in the building all the way up through the 70's. One surviving member of the cult has big plans for the opening night of the cafe, and the cast finds themselves facing down a manfestation of an Old One, with more than a little help from the Initiative, the Rosicrucians, and a number of local Wicce.
Quotes of the Week
Cyan: Hey, maybe there's a hidden church out past the strip district.
(Everyone ignores her)
Cyan: Um...I'm serious.Drake (To Walter, regarding a big screw up): Bad monkey. No biscuit.
Cyan: Jonathan is checking it out. He asked me not to say anything.
Walter: Oh, right. And I'm the dangerous, lone wolf, loose cannon!"Anita: Giles is Buffy's guardian...person...thingy...like I...is...for her.
Kat: Special? Thanks. I ride the short bus.
Anita: Sorry, honey.Kat: Sects continued to pop up until the 1930's.
Cyan: Sex?
Kat: SectsWalter: Okay, did anyone see that? The floor just turned into writhing naked people!
Kat: Oh, get a Playboy.Kat: There's no place like home...there's no place like home...
Drake: What's wrong?
Walter: Not much. The ceiling is breathing.
Drake: Oh, that's all.Cyan (turning on the charm to potential cultist): You're a very...hard man to reach.
(on phone)
Drake: Where are you?
Kat: We're at the insane asylum
Drake: Ah, so you're finally getting Walter the help he needs.Walter (Through his teeth): Drake, I need a favor.
Drake: What was that? Sorry, I couldn't hear you. Could you say that a bit louder?Anita: Did everyone hear the part where it said, "The Slayer will die?" Let me put this to you very simply. She is my responsibility, and if her life is put in danger because any one of you are withholding information, I will shoot you in the face. Is that clear?
Drake (on phone with Anita): Hello, Anita? Drake. Yes, Kat's secret is out...and it's all Walter's fault. [CLICK]
Drake (to Walter, as he leaves): Oh, and could you pick me up a pint of pig's blood on your way back? Thanks.
(The Cast is visiting a senile and schizophrenic old cult member at an institution)
Anita: I'm trying to think of a way to put this that won't upset him.
Walter (to old man): So, old man, ever heard of the Sound and Light Club?Cyan (To Anita, on phone): So, Opening Night is gonna be a blast, isn't it?
(Anita, who has just had an extremely traumatic vision regarding her burning in the theater, screams and drops the phone. Drake picks it up)
Drake: What the Hell did you just say to her!?
Cyan: Nothing! I just said that Opening Night is gonna be a blast!
Drake: *sigh* Here, talk to Walter.
Walter: Yeah, Cyan? I'd just like to say thanks. For once I'm not the one making stupid comments and looking like an ass.
Notable Moments
At a restaurant, Anita keeps referring to Kat as a "special person" to keep from saying "Slayer" in public. The waitress gives Kat a very sympathetic look, and the group realizes that Walter actually drives a decommissioned short bus, which is parked in the lot.
Anita stops her car in traffic, gets out, walks to Walter's car, grabs him by the throat, and puts her gun in his face in broad daylight, mid-afternoon, after finding out that he compromised Kat's identity.
Anita almost gets pulled through a secret door in the roof of a theater, into a horrific image of flames, death, mayhem, and tentacled horrors.
Drake actually walks dead into the middle of the same vision, a day later.
Drake makes "Capri Sun" style blood bags out of ziploc baggies and duct tape.
Walter continually insists that Kat's compromised identity is not his fault, that he actually cut off the arms and legs of the demon in his closet, and it was all the Djinn's fault.
Cyan bluntly asks Kat if she intends to sleep with Drake. Kat's response? "EW! NO!"
In an envelope left for her by Jon, Cyan discovers Jon's Last Will and Testament, and wonders if keeping his secret is the best thing to do.
Cyan expertly manipulates an ex-cultist to find out that he is indeed behind the strange occurrances at the theater.