Episode 8: The False Book of True Things
Brief Synopsis
John returns to the group with his true identity and life intact, just in time to aid in one of the most action-packed adventures the group has yet been through. A copy of the fabled John Dee translation of the Necronomicon has popped up in town and been delivered into Anita's hands. Unfortunately, several different cults of the Djinn are out to get that book. Worse, Anita has discovered a prophecy that predicts the possible death of Kat. Unable to face losing her surrogate daughter and charge, Anita keeps the information to herself. Kat also discovers some disturbing information about Drake's past, which she opts not to share with the group.
Quotes of the Week
Walter (to John): Wait a second...you guys have cyborgs!?
Drake (shrugs): We try.Walter: Yeah, when you blow 10 bullets into a guy's head, and he tells you to calm down, you know you're screwed.
Walter: Hey, you know what I didn't do? Try and fight a cult by myself!
John (shrugs): It worked.Walter: How many secret societies do you guys have?
Anita: You don't wanna know."The Idiot's Guide to Mad God Summoning"
--Title bestowed upon the Necronomicon by the gang.Walter (on phone with Anita): Ok, we've got a refugee from the Sopranos, two men in black, and a French guy who just exudes evil...and not just because he's French!
Walter: Oh, yeah...there's just no way that this could go wrong...
Drake: We're going to drop this body somewhere where it's going to get eaten.
Anita: You don't want to know about my life.
John: I'm prepared to look the other way if you eat a cultist.
Drake: Done!
Notable Moments
Upon hearing the ravings of a mad cultist downstairs, Anita and John grab the Necronomicon and make for the fire escape. They head for Virginia.
Anita gets extremely angry at the Twilight Order's inability to help.
Anita and John get involved in a firefight outside the Masonic Temple while trying to deliver the book to the Rosicrucians.
Walter knocks out a random French guy on the street, just because he has a bad feeling about the French guy.
Walter and Drake beat the tar out of a Mafia assassin, then pick him up, dust him off, and give him coffee. Unfortunately, several minutes later the assassin is himself shot in the back of the head by an unseen assailant.
Walter and Drake steal Dana's own (incomplete) copy of the Necronomicon and dispose of it, just because they feel that any copy of that book is too dangerous to have around.