Episode 9: The Bricklayer
Brief Synopsis
Surprise visitors show up in town and give Anita and Kat valuable lessons on what it means to be who they are. Later, a mysterious wizard shows up in town, claiming to be conducting a ritual to seal the Djinn into the Hellmouth. Unfortunately, he is not what he appears to be. His true intention? To free the god once and for all. The cast prevails, but not without some tragic losses...
Quotes of the Week
Director (to Kat's player): Roll initiative.
--First words of the episode.Buffy (to Kat): You've got some good moves. You still need practice.
Drake (to John, indicating Buffy and Giles's presence): Adds to your 'piece of Hell' theory.
John: I'm content to just wait on my piece of hell to show up.
Cyan (seeing Kat dancing with Buffy, referring to Kat's sexual preference): I thought she went the other way...
John (seeing Anita and Giles go to talk in Anita's office): Oh, good. I'll have that on tape, then.
John (regarding Taylor): Oh, great. Another British guy.
John: Cyan is not my girlfriend. We just, um, occasionally share a library card.
Cyan: Oh, is that what we're calling it, now?Director (Referring to Bringers): 3 of them attack Buffy, one on Kat.
Kat's player: What is this, for ratings??Kat's player: I do a spin kick...because they're cool-looking.
Cyan's player: Trying to show up Buffy now, are we?John (upon Kat pulling out a Bringer knife in public): Hey! What did I tell you? No flashing weapons in public!
Kat: Oh, okay, Mister Machinegun!
John: Once! Once!Anita: Why can't I speak English anymore?
Kat: Because you're talking to too many British people.Anita: I need to come clean about my past.
Cyan: I was a hooker on Hollywood Boulevard!!!Drake: I'm leaving town. I'm going to Peoria. Nothing ever happens in Peoria.
Anita: Let's just say Drake showed up in one of my bedtime stories.
John: What kind of bedtime story was it?
Cyan: Do we really need to hear about her erotic dreams?
Anita: Is everything that comes out of everyone's mouth about sex to you?
Cyan: Yes.
Kat: Just stop it, or I'll go get Julius.
John: What? Planning to cure his acne?
Kat: Eww!Drake (on phone with John): You know what? You can have your little piece of Hell back! Where are you?
John: The Hive Arcana.
Drake: I'll be there in a few minutes. (hangs up)(out of game conversation about Kalie's hair weaving tool)
Rachel: My God, that's huge!
Jason: Yeah, I get that a lot.
Rachel (cries and buries her face in her hands)Drake: No, I was talking to the voices in my mausoleum.
Drake (defending his extremely violent past): What? So I was a little enthusiastic, then.
(regarding Stop Signs, in the most metaphorical of ways)
Drake: The ones with the white borders are optional
Anita: Not in my town, bub!
John: Damn, there goes another good practical joke.John (metagaming comment): Ok, let's see...3 seconds per combat round...that's 20 combat rounds per minute...Ok, Kat, just hold him off for 400 rounds and I"ll be there!!!
Cyan (upon seeing Kat decapitate 2 vamps and stake a third in one combat round): Wow. Hanging out with Buffy had a good influence on her.
John (seeing Kat sever a vamp's hand with a sword parry): Hey, lemme give you a hand with that!
John: We do what we have to do. Unfortunately, tonight there was a friendly fire incident...
Notable Moments
The gang recieves a brief visit from Giles and Buffy, on a mission to grab a potential from Pittsburgh. Buffy and Giles give Kat and Anita respectively some valuable advice on what it means to be a Slayer and a Watcher, and the sacrifices that have to be made to save the world.
Kat has her first run-in with the Bringers, with Buffy at her side. Together, the two Slayers mop the floor with the four Bringers.
Anita and Kat come clean about the secrets they've been hiding.
Kat has a run-in with the mysterious Gem of Amarra-possessing vampire, who stabs her with the re-forged Ripper Blade (see the "Don't Fear the Ripper" episode for details), says, "that's all I needed," and runs. Cyan winds up hospitalized with cracked ribs after the encounter. Kat fails to locate the Gem during her melee with the vampire.
Drake recieves two surprising visits from the mysterious girl who haunts his dreams. She provides encouragement to keep in on his path, and some startling hints as to her possible identity.
John's Reckless Drawback costs the group dearly when it results in the deaths of two friends of Kat's: Julius Desmond, and Loralei Matthews. Julius dies by Jonathan's hand when Jonathan shoots blindly at a threatening voice behind him, and Loralei dies when John refuses to concede to the demands of an evil cultist holding her captive. While most of the group has tragedies in their pasts, this marks the first time they have dealt with deaths in their own ranks, and they learn a harsh lesson in their own fallibility. At the end of the session, John's player makes a solid case for buying off the Reckless Drawback.
Kat has to stake one of her best friends when upon leaning over Loralei's vampire-drained body, she notices blood on the poor girl's lips.