The Archangel Uriel, whose name means "Fire of God," is the Archangel charged with watching over the fires of Abbaddon, and who guards the entrance to Eden with his fiery sword. Walter's escape from Hell aroused the interest (and at first, the ire) of Uriel, who has been keeping a close eye on the Hellspawned refugee. When Ebonor abandoned Walter, the archangel had a choice: reclaim Walter and return him to Hell, or allow him to remain on Earth. Seeing that the man (while slightly unstable) was on a heroes' journey, and taking a liking to Walter despite himself, Uriel stepped in to become Walter's new spirit patron. The eventual consequences (if any) of this act remain to be seen. Uriel's sigil (above) now appears on Walter's forearm. Uriel is portrayed by musician Peter Steele. ![]()
Season Two Guest Stars
The Spirit Patron: Uriel
A contact of Ekloff's currently residing in Copenhagen, Denmark, Franklin was invaluable to the Cast in obtaining the Nyhuus Manuscript and in arranging weaponry and transportation to Russia, all of which enabled them to continue their quest for the Tyrr Nemaii. Franklin's fatal flaw is a rather serious heroin addiction. Franklin is portrayed by actor Edward Norton.
Copehangen Fixer: Curtis Franlin
Graham first appeared in the Copehagen hospital, waiting for the Cast to wake up, whereupon he hit them with a barrage of questions regarding who they are and why Gerard Moore is after them. He then apologized for his rudeness and assured them that he was an ally, and would be in touch to help them in their quest to stop TemCo. It was Jack who later noticed that Graham has a tattoo or marking on his hand identical to one present on the hand of Gerard Moore. Further information regarding Graham has yet to surface. Michael Graham is portrayed by actor Sir Anthony Hopkins.
The Mysterious Stranger: Michael Graham
Gerard Moore is an inhuman TemCo assassin who has been ruthlessly stalking the cast using a variety of demonic henchmen. The closest he's come to killing the group was on a rooftop in Copenhagen, where thanks to Drake a narrow escape was had. There is a mysterious connection between Moore and Graham, which the Cast has yet been unable to piece together. Graham has intimated that TemCo might serve Moore's interests, rather than the other way around. Gerard Moore is portrayed by actor Sir Ian McKellen.
The TemCo Assassin: Gerard Moore
Ekloff is a former CIA agent who stumbled on to TemCo's secret operation in the Himalayas, and has been a fugitive ever since. Hunted by TemCo assassins as well as his own government, Ekloff is a man on the run, who trusts no one but desperately needs someone he can trust. A sometime ally of the Cast, Ekloff may well be the key to solving their problems. Timothy Ekloff is portrayed by actor George Clooney.
Rogue 01: Timothy Ekloff
Tommy Zane is a former marine and contact of Ekloff's. After his discharge, Zane became the proprietor of a small, dirty bar in Savannah, GA, where he "arranges meetings" between people who would rather have their real names kept hidden. Once friends with Ekloff, the fixer now believes that the rogue agent has gone off his rocker. Still, he helps the Cast out when they come to him, because it's all business. Zane is portrayed by actor Rutger Hauer.
The Mercenary Fixer: Tommy Zane
The Evil from Stillness: Kane
Kane appears to be the same species of demon as Maximilian Delaney, and was masquerading as the head of an order of Monks in the California Mountains. He was torturing a young psychic girl for reasons unknown, and appears to be affiliated with a corporation called TemCo. Kane somehow managed to escape the destruction of the Obervatory in the mountain community, and is still at large. Kane is played by actor Mako
The tortured psychic: Kay Hito
The 17-year-old daughter of two struggling (and now both deceased) artists, Kay is a psychic who has no control over her abilities. She has spent the past several weeks being brutally tortured by Kane, who murdered her father and uncle and kidnapped her, for reasons unknown but presumably related to her psychic abilities. The Cast rescued her from the Still Glen in the California Mountains, and she recovered fully, though she is now an orphan. Kay is portrayed by actress Lea Salonga.
The Elderly Shaman: John Stonehill
Daniel's Grandfather, an elderly and powerful shaman in the Seneca nation, he is the leader of the Shamanic Circle at Miner's Folly, PA. Thanks to Daniel and the group's help, Stonehill's circle was able to defeat the tainted magic of the evil in Snowflake Valley, which wore the face of an old mining executive named Maximillian Delaney. Stonehill is portrayed by American Indian actor Floyd 'Red Crow' Westerman
The Evil in Miner's Folley: Maximillian DelaneyMaximillian Delaney has worn many faces in the hundreds of years since he came to Miner's Folly. He is in fact the "human" face of the evil that controls the entire area. He is only kept at bay and trapped within Snowflake Valley by the attentions of a powerful shamanic circle that works a spell once a year beneath the Beast's Moon. Unfortunately, the circle is growing old, and no new members have arisen to fill blank spots. It was only through the timely intervention of our heroes that Delaney was defeated this time. Next time he arises, the circle may not be as fortunate. Delaney is portrayed by actor Julian Beck (R.I.P.)